My friends at Atomic are launching their big 2.0 today, with a bunch of awesome new features. A game-changer called components lets you package up common interactions and reuse them throughout your design so they all animate and react the way you'd expect, editable text fields let you actually interact with your designs and whole dearth of other things are literally about to drop too.
I've been following Atomic since the first version I saw a few years ago in an early version of Chrome, and I love what these folks are doing and how far they've come in such a short time, so check it out! Watch out Adobe 😜
Hey thanks for sharing @ow!
We've also posted a little more context about what we're up to at Atomic, and why. Would love any feedback and questions.
Components, alongside team editing, is the most powerful part of Atomic. I can only imagine faster and better prototyping from here. Kudos to the team!
Been a huge fan & user of Atomic for almost a year now & can't say enough good about how simple and robust and intuitive and... Yeah, lookin' forward to exploring V2. @we_are_atomic@ow@darrylgray@grantrobinson@femkesvs
Had the chance to get an early look at this and it's absolutely ace. Components are amazeballs. And those page / object actions are the icing on the cake 👌
Atomic is my go-to solution for ideating, creating something to test with customers, and communicating with developers. You can get an idea of how I use prototyping tools in general here. It includes an overview of many tools in this space.
Most powerful tool to prototype ideas without using code and they push the envelope with newer features before others think of them.
If you're looking to do something completely custom and you can't hack a solution together in Atomic, I'd turn to Framer.
Write Together
Power Rangers Movie AR/VR App
The Un-official Messenger Button
SlidesUp API
Triage 2
SlidesUp API
Atomic is my go-to solution for ideating, creating something to test with customers, and communicating with developers. You can get an idea of how I use prototyping tools in general here. It includes an overview of many tools in this space.
Pros:Most powerful tool to prototype ideas without using code and they push the envelope with newer features before others think of them.
Cons:If you're looking to do something completely custom and you can't hack a solution together in Atomic, I'd turn to Framer.
AppLozic - Chat & In-App Messaging SDK