Even at 1.0, Atom feels sluggish compares to Sublime Text 3. The plugin ecosystem and community around Atom seems way better than Sublime Text, but as of now it's still failing to do it's main duty for me: editing text quickly.
@jasonbarone@daniel_schwartz same here, sublime speed...its just awesome! I do not see myself in another "slow" editor ever...ets see when sublime3 stable is launched....
Defunkt started this back in 2008?! But building a multi-billion dollar business got in the way?! How many great ideas can the founders of Github have? Their productivity puts them in the same class as The Musk.
More on topic... with the rapid pace of Atom's development I could see it eating Sublime and Textmate's lunch really, really soon. I'm nearly a convert.
I'm a vim guy myself and it's going to take a lot to pry vim out of my productivity, but it's exciting to see an open and hackable text editor get so much love and hard work. Keep on keeping on GitHub!
@benogle I haven't, but I'm sure there are keybindings to make me feel at home. I should explain more - half of why I use vim is just so I can stay in the terminal. Everything I do is command line so I've gotten very used to that. Any GUI editor seems out of my workflow right now since I do so many other things on the command line.
Went through a first run and I am at least sold more on autocomplete and UI. One thing people forget is that if you need to look at code all day, you need to make it look pretty. So far this seems like a viable replacement for Sublime Text 3.
Atom feels as heavy as an IDE. It has a lot of plug-ins but I find that many feel broken. Looking at Activity Monitor on Mac, you can see it uses a lot of battery, and this is a dealbreaker for me. Unfortunately it's the only "IDE" for Julia (which, ironically, is a high-performance language) so I stick with it for these tasks.
Awesome effort/work by the community though. It's too bad I don't agree with the choices the community had to make because I personally think this could have become a true "Emacs for the 21st century" text editor.
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StartupCTO.io 22 – Jud Valeski
Atom feels as heavy as an IDE. It has a lot of plug-ins but I find that many feel broken. Looking at Activity Monitor on Mac, you can see it uses a lot of battery, and this is a dealbreaker for me. Unfortunately it's the only "IDE" for Julia (which, ironically, is a high-performance language) so I stick with it for these tasks.
Awesome effort/work by the community though. It's too bad I don't agree with the choices the community had to make because I personally think this could have become a true "Emacs for the 21st century" text editor.
Pros:Open source, Free, "Hackable"
Cons:Battery hogger, slow
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