This sounds great. I'd love to find something that can recommend hyperlocal businesses for me. However, how are you going to prevent people from overly recommending just to get the cash reward? Also, how will you prevent people from creating accounts just to post fake reviews on behalf of a business?
@sharonvagley Hey Sharon - we've been thinking a lot about both of these questions. For the over-recommending, we have several types of limits that have been added to prevent that kind of behavior. We're also working on a user reputation system that will let users know the trustworthiness and credibility of the user whose advice you receive. This will be a core part of the experience. Regarding multiple account creations, users sign up with their phone number so gaming this system is much more difficult than an e-mail based user ID system (like Yelp). We also have a system in place looking for various user recommendation patterns to expose potential non-genuine advice.
So excited for this! Friends and I have been looking for something like this - more personal and customized than Yelp, still with the crowdsourcing element but also being able to see if any friends + people you know (and who know you) have specific recommendations. Also, as someone always trying new places and giving recommendations to friends of friends when they come to town, love the reward element for helping out other atlis members :)
@nadaveitan@sdanielleon love your website! we've been doing something *very* similar with the Nomly app. one of our bigger challenges has been finding a way to incentivize users to send recommendations without impacting the authenticity of the recommendations. can you share any additional info about how your rewards program works?