Björn Brynjar Jónsson

Smart Guess for Planning Poker - Plan and estimate your sprint in 20+ fewer steps than others

Yet another Planning Poker app? We have plenty of those already 🤔
“I haven’t found a tool that doesn’t slow the process down"
User comments such as these provided a hint that a different approach was needed and the seed behind Smart Guess was planted...

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Björn Brynjar Jónsson
Hi there fellow Product hunters! Super excited to launch on Product Hunt and finally get your feedback on Smart Guess🚀 FEEDBACK WANTED Would love to get your feedback and in particular on the value propostion: 1. Any questions that come to mind? 2. Users currently using first generation planning poker tools: - Is the value proposition strong enough for you to switch? If not what is missing? 3. Users not using any planning poker tools: - Is the value proposition strong enough for you to try? If not what is missing? Other comments also appreciated. THE PROBLEM A good solution for planning poker estimation is a solution that truly understands the job of leading a planning/refinement session with a team. Sprint Planning and refinement meetings are about bringing clarity to what to build, how to build it and why. Clarity is achieved with an ongoing discussion with the team, users and other stakeholders. Estimation and forecasting of backlog items (stories) is a tool allowing decision makers to make decisions about options that come up during discussions and development. Why is this important? Because first generation tools on the market(current solutions) fail to effectively support teams in easily moving between story discussion, story editing and estimation. This can be clearly seen by comparing the complexity first generation tools bring to the table (see the pictures above). THE SOLUTION Smart Guess purpose is to help teams achieving these goals with minimal effort. It does this by removing the extra steps and complexity first generation tools have introduced by: 1. Not asking users to create and manage a separate list of stories. - Why manage an ‘estimation backlog’ when ‘the backlog’ already exists? 2. Not ask users to name the planning session, invite team members, etc. - There are other tools perfect for this. Slack, Calendar, etc. - Why spend time on things you can skip without any drawbacks? 3. Allowing teams run planning poker directly where the discussion takes place - the backlog - I.e. don’t take away the actions users need to update a story during discussion 4. Supporting one click estimates for everyone taking part - Why spend time on more clicks if you really only need to one? 5. Making Planning Poker flow naturally for remote and co-located teams - by giving users the same information, as if everyone was sitting around the same table EARLY VERSION - LOT OF THINGS TO IMPROVE Lot of improvements are yet to be made. As an example current version - Doesn't work perfectly for mobile users - Only supports story points estimation - Is currently only available in english Therefore would love to hear if Smart Guess works for you and if not we would love to understand why. Thanks in advance And all the best Björn Brynjar
Artem Levin
@bjorn_brynjar_jonsson Great product! We also have been launched on Product Hunt today! Our wishes for success to you!
Björn Brynjar Jónsson
@artem_levin thanks likewise 🙏
Thea Mark
Congrats on launching!
Björn Brynjar Jónsson
@thea_mark thanks alot appreciate it 🙂
Sophiary Lam
Cool tool! Congratulations on the launch!!!
Björn Brynjar Jónsson
Thanks @sophiarylam for the encouraging words 🙏
Albert Guðlaugsson
This is an awesome product! It has really helped us reduce our estimation time.
Björn Brynjar Jónsson
Thanks Albert, great to hear Smart Guess works well for Mojo 😉
Patrekur M Magnusson
If you use Jira then this is a must have for sprint planning!
Björn Brynjar Jónsson
@drepheitur thanks for sharing 🙂🙌
Dhia Ben Haddej
Very interesting, would there be a way to not show other people's estimations prior to inputting yours?
Björn Brynjar Jónsson
@dhia_ben_haddej excellent question! Yes Dhia, this is exactly how Smart Guess works! User can't see other users estimates, unless they have first given theirs. So let's say four team members have already started, each has given an estimate, they have clicked "Shown estimates" and started discussing the differences. At this point they are looking at this screen: Now the fifth team member comes into the meeting. The fifth team member has not joined the planning session and he/she can only see a blank deck of cards at this point: The fifth member can join the estimation discussion, simply by picking a story estimate, which will move him/her immediately into the Discussion phase with the other team members and revealing his/her estimate to the other four and vice versa. Smart Guess also handles the case for users who don't want to give estimates, only want attend as watchers. In these cases users join the session and select the '?' card. Then once estimates are shown - this user will move with the team over to the Discussion phase and see all estimates given.
Sheikh Anon
Great Service Best of luck ✌️✌️✌️
Björn Brynjar Jónsson
Thanks Sheikh 😀🙏
Kristján Eldjárn Þóroddsson
This is perfect, no reason to leave Jira to do the estimation. You just do it where your UserStory is 🙌🙌