Thomas McKinlay

The Science Based Playbook of Ecommerce - Boost your profits using the latest scientific discoveries

🎓 74 Ecommerce science-based recommendations
📈 Practical instructions on what to optimize and why
🧠 1,200+ pages worth of research, summarized

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Thomas McKinlay
Hey Product Hunters! 👋 It’s been a while! I’m delighted to introduce Ariyh’s newest and most powerful Playbook yet. (in collaboration with Stefano Puntoni from Wharton Business School). 🤔 The problem Ecommerce businesses are usually decades behind the latest scientific evidence. Even though they have one of the biggest opportunities to optimize using science (e.g. product pages, descriptions, shipping, returns, reviews, promotions) There is so much noise out there, that they rely on biased opinions, rehashed “$ecr€t tips to +997% sales”, or reinvent the wheel by running their own experiments from scratch. This is absurd. But nobody has time to keep up with the latest science. So I did that for you. 🎓 Turning science into practical recommendations Over the past 3 years, I‘ve analyzed and summarized the latest, most useful, scientific research. These have become 180+ practical 3min recommendations, which 20,000+ of you read every week (you can get them too - at no cost - just subscribe here). But I want to help you get your business quickly up to speed. Enter: Ariyh’s Playbooks. (Note: this Playbook is the 2nd in a series (after The Playbook of Pricing & Promotions) 📙 Ariyh’s Playbook of Ecommerce Optimization Here’s what you get in the playbook: 1) 74 Ecommerce recommendations based on the latest science 2) Practical instructions on what to optimize and why, with examples 3) $2,200 and 1,200+ pages worth of research papers, summarized Use it to get increased conversions, higher revenues per customer, and fewer product returns. 📖 The Science You can analyze the research papers yourself, in scientific journals such as the Journal of Marketing or Marketing Science (and should, if there’s one you’re deep diving into). But unless you are someone who reviews the 10,000+ marketing studies published each year, buys each one for $30+, and knows how to interpret academic research - you will have never heard of most of these techniques. Special Product Hunt launch deal of 10% off for 48 hours. Apply it to your Ecomm store and boost your revenue (if you don’t see a boost I’ll refund you). Hope you’ll love it, Thomas
Baptiste N
I've been following Thomas and Ariyh for over two years now, and his newsletter brought me so many insights, learnings, and overall value. I've often shared it around, and even got inspired for my own posts. This playbook for e-commerce appears to be an evidence. It just makes so much sence, and I believe it'll be a tremendous source of value for people from the e-com industry. Best of luck with this launch @thomas_mckinlay1!
Thomas McKinlay
@baptiste_ncls Thank you so much Baptiste for your support (and tips and feedback!) during all this time!!
Big fan of your work. Earlier, I got my hands on the Pricing playbook. It was wonderful. So excited for this Ecommerce playbook as well.
Thomas McKinlay
@falak_sher Thank you so much Falak!!! And for all your Product Hunt tips - highly recommended :)
Olly Meakings
💎 Pixel perfection
You should be charging $1000 for this. It is mind-bogglingly insightful. Real, powerful insights backed by science to guarantee ecommerce businesses generate more revenue. As someone who has roasted 850 landing pages this is a GOLDMINE of information. Awesome work @thomas_mckinlay1
Thomas McKinlay
@helloitsolly Thank you so much Olly!! Honored to hear that coming from you!
Andrei Costea
Straight to the point! Congrats on the launch! 🚀🥳
Thomas McKinlay
@andrei_costea2 Thank you so much Andrei!!
Manuel Bleve
I’ve been following Ariyh for the past few months now and loved every single piece of research. I’m sure the e-commerce playbook is A++
Thomas McKinlay
@manuel_bleve1 Thank you so much Manuel!!
Jaskaran| Marketing
I have always loved your work. Congrats on the launch. This would be the best investment e-commerce people can make. The hell, buy this & write it off on your taxes dudes. Your accountant will also agree 😃
Thomas McKinlay
@jaskaransainiz1 Haha definitely a tax deductible business expense in most places! Thank you so much Jaskaran!!
Aazar Ali Shad
Immediately bought it as soon as I saw it. Their work goes deep and insights are very practical.
Thomas McKinlay
@aazar_ali_shad1 Really happy to hear that - thank you so much Aazar!
Phill Agnew
I love everything Thomas creates for Ariyh but the e-books are his very best content. If you create anything for e-commerce this doc is a must!
Thomas McKinlay
@phillip_agnew Legend! Thank you so much Phill!! 🙌
Caroline Cadwell
Excited for this--the newsletter is already really great and my team takes action on the insights every time they're relevant, but since we have an ecommerce shop, it's amazing to have this all summed up in one spot. Are you going to be releasing on other topics like email marketing or time-specific campaigns in the future?
Thomas McKinlay
@killclick Thank you Caroline!! Yes - most likely next editions will be SaaS, and perhaps B2B. But also considering building ones about Ad creative optimization. Email marketing and time-specific campaigns are great suggestions!
Jenna Lee
So excited for this! I already use the pricing playbook to help guide my e-commerce clients. Now this will help me find even more opportunities for improvement. Having research and data on my side helps me move forward confidently with strategic recommendations. Looking forward to putting this to good use!
Thomas McKinlay
@jenna_lee1 Fantastic to hear that, thank you Jenna!!
Ariyh is numero uno!
Thomas McKinlay
@ruffy Thank you!!!
Francesca Chong
To me, Ariyh is one of the marketing industry's most underrated resource and a gold mine of knowledge. If you're endlessly frustrated with conflicting advice, "studies" and "reports" that try to sell you some kind of software mid-way through reading, or articles that read like an AI has generated it in seconds - Ariyh will be a fresh of breath air. Having already purchased the pricing playbook and been subscribed to the newsletter for the last couple of years, I can guarantee this ebook is worth its weight in gold. Will be recommending to everyone I know who markets for ecommerce businesses!
Thomas McKinlay
@francesca_chong Thank you so much Francesca! These words really mean a lot - it's really great to hear that everything I've worked on to fix this in the past 3 years really is useful and impactful!
Juraj Pleško
This e-commerce e-book offers exceptional value for money! The practical tips and instructions provided are applicable and easy to implement. Highly recommended!
Thomas McKinlay
@juriple Thank you so much Juraj!!
Anna Kasumova
Hi Thomas! Congratulation to you! I used to work in ecommerce since 10 years. My doubt is about the rapid changes in e-commerce, because it's not a basic science like math, geography, or philosophy. It's very dynamic sphere of business so that I am afraid that I prefer to read modern articles or youtube for getting knowledges about ecommerce. But I understand that basic knowledges worth to be read. So that I think you should work with this objection on the website. I appreciate your hard work and your monetization scheme. I crossed my fingers for your project!
Thomas McKinlay
@anna_kasumova Thank you Anna for the feedback! These are the latest, peer-reviewed, scientific discoveries in marketing, such as how to ask for a referral in a way that makes it more likely for people to give them to you. The downside and big problem of articles or YouTube is that anyone can say whatever they want, even if it's untrue - which very often is not the case, or even if it was just a one off statistically insignificant event. With published scientific research that's much less likely to happen.
Franz Schrepf
I’m a reader of Thomas’ newsletter since the early days and it has helped me tremendously. This playbooks is like 100 of his most valuable newsletters condensed into one short read. A must-have for anybody in e-commerce!
Thomas McKinlay
@franz_schrepf Thank you so much Franz!!
Meruyert Sarsengaliyeva
I've been subscribed to your newsletter for almost 3 years now and I must say that it's one of a few newsletters that I never skip to read. As a marketer, Ariyh's scientific-based insights have been a tremendous help in shaping my strategies and this powerful playbook is an incredible source of information and a great addition to your already existing marketing insights!
Thomas McKinlay
@meruyert_sarsengaliyeva Thank you so much Meruyert!! Really happy to hear that - and thanks for sharing!
Felipe Kharaba
Great product, clear enough to be used even by non marketing professionals
Thomas McKinlay
@focall Thank you Felipe!!
Vlad Golub
Great resource for anyone looking to up their ecommerce game! Love the combination of scientific research and practical instructions. Can't wait to dive into the wealth of information!
Thomas McKinlay
@realvladgolub Thank you so much Vlad!! Looking forward to the results you'll get from it!