Arc for iPhone is finally here!
Access your Spaces and tabs from Arc for Mac on the go, save links from other apps to read later, or view one of your Easels and Notes. It’s your whole internet, in your pocket.
Excited to experience a new vision of a "mobile companion" app to support my desktop browser, Arc.
Being focused on jobs-to-be-done and workflows rather than being restricted to what a conventional browser must do should be liberating — even though it will no doubt disappoint, alienate, and annoy the Slashdot neckbeards.
Of the iPod, they declared: "No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame."
Well, in this case,the Arc Mobile Companion should be evaluated on its own merits, not on how it doesn't stack up head to head against other mobile browsers. That's not what it aspires to be (yet, at least) and that's exactly why this product is interesting and worth a look.
@chrismessina Agreed! It's exciting to see a new approach to mobile browsing that's focused on enhancing workflows. Can't wait to try Arc Mobile Companion!
@chrismessina@cristinaibunea the link is not valid. This was a link for a preorder that they had some issues with. Launch is happening today (worldwide), we just have to wait a bit more
I'm a Arc Browser fan! Finally, it could be possible to move from Opera which I used from 2004. When I tried Arc for the first time, it was like using my first iPhone. Every detail was thoughtable. Thank you for made that!
Congrats on launching team Arc! I have been using the Mac version for a while and I love the experience. Rarely seen UX this good. Can't wait to try the iOS version. Any major difference with the desktop one?
Great to see a browser that focuses on workflows and user needs rather than just conventional browsing. Can you share any use cases where Arc Mobile Companion has helped users achieve their goals more efficiently? Thanks for sharing!
I've been enjoying Arc on macOS & am excited to try it out on mobile!
A couple thoughts as I onboarded:
It took me a while to remember my Arc password (since I never input it). I'd find it much easier if I could "login" using a QR code generated from the mac app.
It took several attempts to turn on syncing. I've never used arc on more than one computer before. Even as I think I've got it working I'm getting this "Your devices may be out of sync. Re-enable sync in preferences" message in the mac version of arc.
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