David Griffin

Startly - All-in-one startup management platform for entrepreneurs

A gamified Startup Management Platform that enables you to learn about entrepreneurship, start your first business and grow it into a serious company. Startly includes tools to Conceptualize, Product Manage, Network and promote your Startup Ideas with ease.

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David Griffin
After working on startup concepts myself, I noticed that there is no all-in-one platform that enables to tale the first couple steps towards developing a product. Of course you can find 1000's of blog articles on "How to start a Company" but all of these recommend disconnected Excel Sheets and loose collection of documents, paired with outdated and half-complete instructions. So I started my journey to deliver a Platform that follows common processes to build a company, and integrate it with the most used resources to automatically fetch industry relevant information about competitors, markets and target audience. Few weeks later, here we are: Startly is now a Concept- & Product Management Tool on its way to be a all-in-one Startup Management Platform incl. Canvas, Persona Management, Social Profiles, Entrepreneur Community, Outsourcing and many more. Let's not forget the €200.000 in Partner Products you can access as a member of Startly. These will help you kickstart your idea with ease!
Daryll Wong
Having 2 different domains may have too much context switching and confusing. Not sure why is there a need to install the app on startly.app but that created too much friction for me to even try. Could consider streamlining this whole process so that its easy for a first-user to try it. I have not tried the app but would be excited to try it in the future when it becomes easier for one to do so! Great effort!
David Griffin
Thanks for the feedback @daryllman👌 In response to your question, currently our native app isn't ready and hence you can install a Progressive Web App on mobile devices to get a shortcut on your screen and access sharing. Once our Native Apps are ready, a link to Google Play/Apple Store will be available. Regarding the domains. https://getstartly.com is the landing & prpduct info page. The service itself runs on https://startly.app - the reason for this decision, is to allow for proper use of slugs for user profiles & projects, without interfering with promotional content which may utilize a similar/same slug. It is common to run the app service on subdomains such as app.[product-domain].com - we simply chose to utilize a .com domain for the landing and an .app domain for the service. Moving between both should not cause too much friction for the user, but I'm more than happy to deepdive into your case to get a better understanding of your concerns. You can contact our team at team@startly.app , or myself directly at dgriffin@anzu.one Cheers and thanks again!
David Griffin
Which feature would you feel most valuable to be delivered to Startly next?