Adithya Shreshti

Apple Watch Series 3 - Apple's newest internet-connected smartwatch

Apple Watch Series 3 is the latest Apple wearable, introducing cellular connectivity, activity tracking, and heart rate monitoring, starting at $329.

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Adithya Shreshti
Who does such animation for Apple? Such class and detailing!
Ryan Hoover
The best part of this for me is the cellular integration. Now you can stream music, take phone calls, and explore the wonderful world wide web without your iPhone. Although the activity and hearth rate tracking has the potential to make the biggest impact on peoples' lives by detecting health issues sooner. This makes me want to buy an Apple Watch for my grandparents.
Adithya Shreshti
@rrhoover haha! let them be healthy and smart without depending on tech (like our generation)
Zack Hickman
@rrhoover I personally don’t think I can justify the extra monthly cost of the cellular option (whatever that may be)
Ratomir Soda Jovanovic
Apple Watch 3⌚️ Blew my mind. For sure I'm getting one, not 100% sure about iPhone X📱...
Saul Sutcher
@ratomir1 What about it stood out to you over the 1 or 2? Was LTE that big of a concern for you? Just curious.
Ryan Lieb
@saulsutcher I'm wearing a series 2 right now. The biggest appeal is not having to physically have your phone. 1) Just walking around the house my watch will get out of range 2) Being a beach/pool goer, I wouldn't have to worry about taking my phone out there at all 3) When working out, no reason to awkwardly have a phone bouncing in your pocket
James Whiteside
@ratomir1 @saulsutcher Personally, I've walked out the house forgetting my phone more than a few times and when you have small children it's convenient to just keep going.
Hayden Evans
I think this will end up being the underrated announcement from this keynote. The ability to untether yourself from your iPhone is pretty big.
@hayden_evans True, except for where it isn't better -- like notifications handling, and Google Assistant is superior to Siri. At any rate, just noting that LTE in a watch isn't an Apple innovation.
@hayden_evans I felt that way too, this was the best of all. Specially since I'd been considering getting a Light phone
Hayden Evans
@cacarr I didn't say that it was particularly "innovative" - I know plenty of other smart watches have had LTE/cellular connectivity for a while. All I am saying is that it is an impactful development for people who use both an iPhone and an Apple Watch and don't want to be weighed down by carrying their iPhone all the time.
Neekunj Shah
Why did they discontinue apple watch series 2 and still keep the series 1?
Zach Dubos
@neekunjshah because this is basically a series 2 with lte. The series 1 is discounted, and it’s now the budget model.
James Whiteside
@neekunjshah @zduboss @ryan_lieb Yeah, wouldn't be surprised if it was for margins. The series 2 probably cannot be made cheap enough to get to the $249 price point.
Saul Sutcher
What's up with the red dot on the digital crown for all the LTE versions?!?! Do you think I could take a sharpie and black it out?
Benjamin Lupton
@saulsutcher i imagine it makes support way easier - press the red button is way easier than saying press the crown, what is the crown? the top swirly button on the side that doesn’t look like a button, etc etc
LTE radio waves always being close to your wrist will cause cancer and other malignant health risks... As if wifi on your wrist was not bad enough.
Hayden Evans
@androidlove You got any evidence to back up that claim, doc? Or are you just making that up?
Paul Clifford
@androidlove instead of being close to your balls (ie phone in pocket) or close to your ear (when in use)
Joshua Pinter
@androidlove How is this worse than a phone in your pocket next to your twig and berries?
Niv Dror
Hopefully the new Watch is waterproof, or this is a test version.
Joshua Talley
Was really hoping to port a number just to a watch and ditch an extra phone for personal...
Gezim Hoxha
@joshuatalley I wonder how doable this is?! Especially with the new price of iPhone (X).
Kyle Lamy
I was wondering about number sharing and additional cost for your plan...this article explains it:
Tony Ana
yeah sure, you out on a hot date, and your watch yells out that your girlfriend is trying to call you.. yup.. no thank you siri !
Joshua Pinter
@tony_anastasi If that's the kind of douchebaggery you get up to then Siri is doing the world a great service.
Tony Ana
@joshuapinter see i'm not the only one who can joke about it - BWAHAHAHAHA
Arjun R Pillai
I'm considering buying this, but I'm worried about the notifications that will come on all 4 (Mac, iPhone, Watch and iPad). Is there any way to smartly control notifications? If I'm working on my Mac, I have already seen the calendar update, why does it come on all of them together?
Andrii Khakhariev
Looks kinda cool. But excuse me... why so expensive?
Mark Espinola
Not sure why you would want to answer an #iPhone on your surfboard. I'm just hoping it is waterproof.
Tony Ana
i was really hoping for a watch that was half as fat and round faced... so no from me.