Margaret Kelsey

Pirate Metrics Calculator - See what a boost in each SaaS metric would do for your MRR

Use the Pirate Metrics Calculator from Appcues to compare the impact that a lift on each metric Pirate Metric (acquisition, activation, revenue, retention, and referral—or AARRR for short) will have on your monthly recurring revenue.

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Tanya Higgins
Hello Hunters! My name is Tanya, and I'm the senior marketing designer here at Appcues! ✨ We are so excited to announce the Pirate Metrics Calculator, a new tool that will help you to compare the impact that a lift on each metric Pirate Metric (acquisition, activation, revenue, retention, and referral—or AARRR for short) will have on your monthly recurring revenue. We hope that you find it useful! If you have any questions or feedback a few folks from Appcues will be here to chat. Thank you all!
Wes Bush

As someone who makes a living off of helping people turn more users into customers, it's refreshing to have a tool that shows what the ROI could be on activation. Too often companies focus solely on acquisition so this calculator is a great way to showcase how important it is to focus on other parts of the funnel. Thanks for putting this together, Appcues!


If you're struggling to showcase the value of focusing on activation and retention to your team, this calculator is a lifesaver



Graham Collins
I just went through the exercise of calculating my organization's Pirate metrics... it's not something I have a desire to do again any time soon. I love how simple this tool is AND how good it looks. I plugged my numbers in and was able to share with others in the org and they were impressed. Thanks for sharing!
Colin Bovet

It'd also be nice to highlight the impact after 3 years, not just 1 year -- it gets even bigger after 3 years!


I love this kind of product-led marketing. Giving us a free and useful tool that helps calculate ROI - which is always a challenge!


It's a little confusing to have the default a 10% improvement in all these metrics. Unclear if that's just a one-time 10% improvement.

Ty Magnin
I remember this! Great work team :)