Hey guys, this is Jeremy — the guy behind this guide. I'll be on here if you have any questions about the guide or just design/marketing questions in general.
@jerols Congrats on shipping the App Making course Jeremy!
I know you make your own apps, do consulting and teach. Curious to know which of those you enjoy the most and how you're balancing services with your own products.
@robjama@jerols great question. I enjoy the combination but probably #1 my own apps, #2 teaching, and #3 client work, if I am being honest just because my apps and teaching are more my own stuff. Balance is tricky. The cool thing is that both our apps and our client business is generating good revenue so we will be looking to get more help, especially management on the client side. I am really glad I have been able to manage to avoid the temptation for client work to eat my business up and get Hours to the point to where it is generating a good amount of revenue.
Love the work you do Jeremy, have found value in your books and blog posts. Dominating the App Store is a pretty tall promise. One of the most important steps is building contacts in the press and inside the secretive Apple review machine. I wouldn't consider that repeatable. How much luck is truly involved if your not "in the network"?
@kylerstewart Great question. I think it is completely repeatable. I have seen my marketing advice repeated to great effect numerous times (whether they got the advice from me or not). I myself learned a lot of what I know from other great app makers.
You are exactly right that building contacts in the press and at Apple is absolutely critical. In the guide I talk about exactly what I did to do meet those people — sure there is luck involved but it plays a backseat role if you are doing the right things. I started as a complete outsider and nobody in the community. Within a year I was able to gain enough respect to launch a relatively successful app and there are definite actions I took to get there. If it were just me, I would be concerned that it might just be luck but I've seen lots of other folks do the same things to great success.