
apagraph - Create and share quotes with attractive themes


Apagraph is the way to create and share short quotes with themes. You can create something emotional in the style that you had in your mind.

Select from more than 30 themes to express your mood when you publish a quote. You can choose between static and animated themes.

Share quotes on Facebook, Twitter or even in your messenger app and Skype.

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Vivek Sancheti
Looks awesome. Hope you guys can upgrade a bit to add author name or add new line with different size. What is your monetization model?
@evivz thank you for your feedback! Following the rule "you release late if you don't feel shame" we released as soon as possible :). So, just like you mentioned even some basic things needs to be fixed, we are following our users requests and working on it. Our priority are best looking responsive quotes (the best experience on all devices) and convenient sharing on social networks and messengers. We sell posters with quotes. But unfortunately this feature is still under work.
David Wang
@gvidon simplicity is better in this space. Love to chat with you about a possible monetization idea.
@david_wang1 totally agree. Simplicity was our main goal in UI/UX. Do you have any monetization ideas to suggest or have any questions?
Гвидон Маляров
Hey everyone! We started to sell posters. You can order a poster based on an existing quote or just create a new one.