Can Saglam

Anygood 2 - To-do your culture


To-do your culture. An elegant, simple and thoughtfully designed list-making app, Anygood is a perfect tool for the culturally enlightened amongst us who seek less complexity in their life.

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Can Saglam
In an age of apps stuffed with excess power-user and anxiety inducing “community” features, Anygood is a list-making throwback to a simpler time. An elegant, simple and thoughtfully designed list-making app, Anygood seeks to be the new home for the culturally enlightened amongst us who seek less complexity in their life. Designed for everyone, from those seeking a straightforward to-do list to the avid list-makers craving a simpler haven. Forget filters, tags, reminders and all that “smart” stuff. Instead savour not having to learn how to use Anygood. Anygood does have a few carefully chosen and useful features such as widgets for easy access, themes for visual serenity and share sheet integration so you can effortlessly add stuff from all your favourite apps.
Paul Pamfil
Congrats on the launch! It seems like a great addition for those seeking simplicity
Every todo app deserves a vote. I like the concept of anygood, returning to basics, simple living. It actually leads to more efficiency. BTW, It looks like it's implemented with SwiftUI? When will the Android version be released?
Can Saglam
@bonvisions Yes! It's fully SwiftUI. Android is not in the works at the moment for reasons due to scale as we're a tiny team with very limited resources! But hopefully in the future!
Daxeel Soni
Congratulations on the launch of Anygood 2! I love how you're blending productivity with a cultural twist—it's refreshingly unique. One little suggestion: it would be amazing to see how it could integrate with existing calendars for a seamless experience. Keep it up, and can users expect any personalization features in the future?
Can Saglam
@daxeelsoni I'll definitely add it to the lists of things to consider, for sure. Thanks for your comments!
Nishant Modi
How did you create the video, showing how it works?
Can Saglam
@nishant_modi It's a simple screen recording with the Quicktime player on Mac!
Max Kotin
Congrats on the launch! Nice and clean. Only I cannot see myself using it although I a sucker for minimalistic things, to do lists included. Without at least a web app companion... integrating it into my life would be pretty challenging! Good luck with future dev!
Hans P
Anygood seems like a breath of fresh air in the world of list-making apps! Its elegant and simple design is perfect for those who appreciate culture and seek simplicity in their daily organization. It's great to see an app that understands the value of thoughtfulness in design to enhance user experience. Wonderful job on creating a tool that blends practicality with cultural enlightenment!
Hhoda Wede
thanks for sharing amazing project
Kshitij Mishra
Anygood 2 has the potential to be a valuable tool for anyone seeking to enhance their cultural engagement and discover new and enriching experiences.
I love the widgets design :)
Aidan Bennett
Love the product. It’s very no BS. Just started using yesterday, it’s perfectly simple 🙇🏼‍♂️
Can Saglam
@aidanfromsp That made my day! Thanks, that's genuinely great to hear! Stay tuned for all the upcoming updates!
Nishant Modi
This looks great!
Shelley D. Pepper
Es un proyecto atractivo para invertir y obtener ganancias seguras.
My congrats! Sounds interesting!
Ghost Kitty
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Rana Phool
Congrats on the launch of Anygood 2! It looks like a great tool for organizing and managing your cultural life. How does it help simplify things?
Pearl Pawlowicz
Every to-do application should be given a vote. I appreciate the idea of anygood, going back to fundamentals and embracing a simple lifestyle. In fact, it leads to increased productivity. By the way, it seems like it's built using SwiftUI. Do you have an estimated release date for the Android version?
Lin Vert
@cansaglam - Great work! It looks like you've created something that will help us stay organized. Fantastic work!
Bryce Sloane
Congratulations on the launch!🎉