Choosing the right chart types for data analysis and reporting solutions is always a challenge. In fact, there are so many data visualization options out there that it can be really complicated to determine which one to use in a certain situation. And you cannot afford to make a mistake here, because applying data to an inappropriate type of chart will very likely end up causing confusion and even wrong business decisions.
Chartopedia is a resource that facilitates picking the best chart type for visualization of your specific data and questions. It lists, comprehensively describes, and provides examples of 50+ major chart types that are grouped into 8 categories by purpose of use to ensure the easiest possible (and correct) selection.
@kwdinc Thank you for posting this, Kevin.
This peculiar guide aims to help people always choose the right chart types for whatever data analysis and reporting needs.
Chartopedia lists, describes, and provides examples of 50+ major chart types, all supported in our JavaScript (HTML5) charting libraries AnyChart, AnyMap, AnyGantt, and AnyStock. The chart types are grouped into 8 categories by purpose of use for easy filtering and selection.
Check out Chartopedia and share your feedback with us, please! Meanwhile, I can acknowledge that we will be improving this resource on a permanent basis to make it even more and more useful.