Ben Lang 2.0 - Collaborative to-do list app

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Jason Comely
I admit, I have an unhealthy obsession with todo apps. I'll have to check this one out.
Omer Perchik
@jasoncomely Give it a try and let me know what you think :)
David Lee
how is this different/better than asana? just curious since we use asana
Omer Perchik
@davidlee is an adaptive to manage the different aspects in your life. We started by focusing on helping individuals manage their personal lives and now, with 2.0, we add an new layer that allows you to easily collaborate and communicate with your family, team and friends.
Simon Dawlat
Well done @omerperchik - definitely steering in the right direction
Omer Perchik
@Virtualgoodz Thanks a lot my friend :)
Some Guy
No matter how awesome these to-do apps are, it's just so hard to compete with the ability to set a reminder by typing in "remind me to pick up milk at 5" into my Chrome browser that Google Now gives me. Is there any way you guys could integrate your extension into Chromes omnibar?
Shahed Khan
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Congrats on the launch @OmerPerchik! Big fan of and Cal. :)
Lachlan Campbell
Looks nice, but I can't help but notice that they've used Evernote's slogan straightaway — "your life's work." Why?!
Dan Moore
Looks like a lot of 1-star reviews because you just flipped on premium payment for a previously free service. Why not give your previous users a grandfather plan or at least some time to export their data? Not a user myself, just curious if it was discussed and the option avoided. Would love to hear your reasoning.
Martin H. Normark
Looks slick! I couldn't help but notice, that the Modern planning video in the middle of the page is showing old versions of the app and iOS.
Pascal Jaillon
Very nice! Any Safari Extension on the roadmap by any chance? With Yosemite, I end up using Safari quite a bit these days...
Deema Tamimi
I like this. I use Google Spreadsheets for a lot of my task/project management needs and I can't quite see myself abandoning that method for some stuff, but I like the simplicity of this and the design. How many people can you add on to collaborate in the premium version? I'm on the free version. Is it not possible to share at all in the free version? I'd love to test that out. This could be a promising addition to my arsenal of organizational tools. :)
Jason Mercer
how can you gtd when all you want to do is try out all the latest gtd apps?
Jason Mercer
ps - am i the only one holding out for Things 3.0 and that it might actually allow me to create and enter tasks in less than 4 separate key strokes?