Anthony Morris

Wrabit - Helping you build a daily writing habit, one step at a time


Nearly one in five of us struggle with mental health. Wrabit helps you build a daily writing habit, allowing you to write yourself to health.

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Anthony Morris
Hey everyone! 👋 My name is Anthony. I'm a software engineer living Vancouver. When I was growing up, I struggled with mental health issues. I was ashamed of the way I felt and I was too afraid to seek help. I have tried many different tools but journaling is one that has stuck with me. When I was too afraid to get help, I found that writing allowed me to release when I needed it most. Once I started programming, I decided I should use my skills to contribute something meaningful to the world. I decided to build a tool to benefit others. With Wrabit you write daily in a simple editor. The goal isn't to write a novel (but you totally could). The goal is to commit to writing on a daily basis. To explore whatever you have inside and build a healthier relationship with yourself. While Wrabit isn't free, the more you write the more we will donate to mental health. This project isn't about making money for me. It's not a unicorn 🦄. The point is to contribute to something bigger than myself and build a community around that. I appreciate you taking a look. As with any initial launch there are probably bugs, quirks, and a long list of backlog items. For me, this is just the beginning. I look forward to building Wrabit for years to come! Be well!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@amorriscode seems quite similar to!
Anthony Morris
@chrismessina Definitely similar but Wrabit is a platform dedicated to mental health. I love 750words but we're taking a philanthropic approach. One of our goals is to donate more than $1M to mental health research!
Alice  Zhao
This is a beautiful, simple product that will change your life. I love how it makes me feel after I finish an entry. I gain clarity over my goals and why I am alive. What makes us human is the ability to express our individual self and Wrabit helps me do that. On top of everything, I know my monthly fee is going toward mental health research, a cause I support. Try it!
Nick Simard
I just have to say that the play on words of the name Wrabit and the logo are awesome :) Haven’t tried it yet, but I wanted to mention that, as I’m sure you put some time into the name and branding.
Anthony Morris
Thanks @nicksimard! I gotta admit, I like the name too. ;)
Jocelyn Lecamus
Your icon is so good why not using it on your website?
Anthony Morris
@jocelyn_lecamus good question. It was featured heavily on my first landing page iteration. I cleaned everything and simplified it. The icon didn’t fee great anywhere. I’ll try to work it back in with other landing page feedback I got!