Don't Just Design – Make It Real with Responsive Layouts and Powerful Interactivity
Chris Günther
Antetype — Complex UX prototypes solved: responsive, interactive & free
Antetype is advanced prototyping for UX designers: Truly-responsive layouts, elements synchronization & all-possible interactions. With those features, the prototype you build will feel like the final product. Amaze stakeholders – even in complex projects.
Emmanuel A. Simon
I'm so glad to see how far Antetype has evolved over the decade (I've been a user since 2013 (EAP days)). Congrats on this latest chapter. Let's keep going till we get to a full no code builder ;)
Chris Günther
@uelsimon Haha, yeah it's been a exciting road to today 😄 Thanks a lot for the kind words. We'll seen when we get to no code builder 😁
Eugene Reznik
I remember I tried Antetype back in.. 2013 or 2012 maybe. I love almost everything in the new version except the "Style Inspector" tab UI — it's so tiny I can barely read the labels. Overall I'm glad the guys have finally found a way to move forward👌.
Chris Günther
@reznik_e Yeah, Antetype made quite the journey from the more-or-less-internal tool back then. Great to still have you on board! We're currently looking into a fix for the font that is sometimes small on high resolutions. Hope to fix it soon. Thanks for the kind words and always happy prototyping!
Luca Candela
I used to be an EEAAAARRRLY tester of this tool and I always appreciated the possibilities of the layout system and components, and very much looked forward to a more approachable version of the app that made it more adoptable by a wider set of designers. I really hope this is it cause the advantages in workflow vs. more traditional canvas based tools like Sketch are undeniable.
Chris Günther
@luca_candela Fingers crossed, this is it! Thanks for the kind words and long-lasting support!
Farokh Shahabi
Sounds interesting, congrats!
Chris Günther
@farokh_shahabi Glad you find it exciting and thanks for the congratulations! Let me know what you think once you or your team have tried it 😊
Otman Alami
after finishing the video it's seems to me like a good tool but difficult
Chris Günther
@otman_alami As you can build complex prototypes, it might be a bit intimidating at first. My tip: Learn how to use Antetype in 25 minutes with our tutorial series on YouTube (Search: "Antetype tutorial" or just register and we'll send it to you 5 minutes after registration). It is easy to use after you build your first prototype!
Kim Salmi
Looks super slick! 🚀 Could you add Antetype client to brew?
Chris Günther
@infr Thanks for the nice words! We'll take a look into it and let you know via Social Media
Sanveer Singh Osahan
Congratulations on the launch @chrisguenther and team. @rachit_bhatt1 Do check this out.
Chris Günther
@rachit_bhatt1 @sanveer_osahan Thank you very much! We're excited to hear your thoughts when you worked with it!
Chris Günther
@sanveer_osahan @rachit_bhatt1 Happy to hear. Let me know how you use it!
congrats on the launch 👌 👌👌
Chris Günther
@sbadaoui Thanks a lot! We're thrilled to hear how users like it 😄
Israt Jahan
Looks so good. Best of luck.
Chris Günther
@isratjahan17 Thank you for both the praise and the wishes! Tell me how you like it once you've tried it!
Sandra Djajic
Looks really easy to use with a simple layout and tools with clear purpose that any person that's wanting to improve their UX implementation and skills can use!
Chris Günther
@maxine_buchert We totally agree, every designer should give it a try. Thanks for your feedback 😊
Tomas Antonok
Useful tool! Need to try it.
Chris Günther
@antovtok Thanks! Let us know what you think once you have! :)
Rosie Higgins
Congrats on the launch guys. I want to give this a try!
Chris Günther
@rosie_higgins_grapevine Thank you! Hope you'll enjoy using it!
Chris Günther
Hi Hunters, nice to finally meet you guys! I'm Chris from Antetype's Marketing. We believe that design should make the world a better place. And we want to help you do that, even if your project or app is more complex than a flappy bird clone. To reach that goal, Antetype helps you with 5 key features: • Layouts are truly responsive and fit your content automatically, according to your rules. You can even use breakpoints for different screen sizes. • Widgets automatically sync changes to every element of the same type. So you don't have to do it manually. (Of course you can keep some properties and content individual!) • Interactions and animations can be as micro or as powerful as you need them – and you won't need to build and link 100 art boards for that. It's all done on the same screen. • Editable and working text input. Finally use input fields to really test live user behavior – don't be satisfied by pre-defined texts you hard code into the prototype. • Plus, Antetype generates pure HTML + CSS + JavaScript prototypes. It's 100 % open web technology. Yes, that also means you can extend it to render 3D models or animated graphs. Build literally anything you can imagine! It's our goal to help designers around the world create great user experiences. And as good designers listen, we would love to hear your opinion on it! (And I'd love to see the prototypes you build 😁) Let me know what you think, Chris
Truly amazing project! Congratulations on the launch! ^_^ I am so happy that there are teams which are spreading the word of importance of design, and that are allowing the whole process goes smoother and more appealing even to people who are not in the design sphere.. Big bravo! ^_^
Chris Günther
@maria_brm Thank you so much for the nice words. Appreciate it! Let's get good design out into the whole world, shall we? 🚀
Chris Günther
@maria_brm That's great to hear, much appreciated! Let me know if we can help you with something!
ID Blazevic
Good luck with the launch! I will give Antetype a go asap
Chris Günther
@dora_blazevic Thank you! Tell us how you like prototyping with it once you've tried it!
Looks nice. Breakpoints WOW! Have to try…
Chris Günther
@trakt140 We're kinda proud of them! Let us know what you think 😊
Manveer Singh Rayat
Congratulations on the launch. I will give it a try.
Chris Günther
@manveer94 Thank you very much! Let me know how you like it later 😊
Sarthak Solanki
Good work you guys!