Mike Mignano

Anchor for iPad - A bigger, better way to make your podcast

Anchor for iPad is a powerful tool to edit, share, and broadcast your new podcast directly on iOS. Supports all Lightning-enabled microphones too. 🎙️

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Mike Mignano
Hi everyone! We just launched Anchor for iPad, a project our team’s been working on for months. It looks and feels *amazing*, and it’s the only end-to-end podcasting experience for iPad. Here are the highlights: * You can do everything for your podcast with this app. Free hosting, one-tap distribution everywhere (including @ApplePodcasts), Anchor’s intuitive creation features, and brand-new editing tools designed specifically for podcasting. * Editing has been our biggest feature request since we launched 3.0, and we approached it like we do everything else: leaving out all the complicated stuff you don’t need so it’s easier than ever to edit audio for your podcast. * You can also import audio from any other app on your iPad. Got a theme song you just made in GarageBand or stored in iCloud Drive? Just drag and drop it into your episode. * Full support for iPad Multitasking. My favorite use case: opening the Notes app in split view while recording. Perfect for interview prep materials, following a script, or writing show notes as you go. * Anchor for iPad also supports all lightning-enabled mics (or USB mics with a lightning dongle), so you can record either with your iPad or your favorite pro equipment. * Obviously, it also looks great on that big, Retina display. Our design team came up with a brand new layout that takes full advantage of the iPad screen and lets you see and do more while you’re podcasting. I use an iPad as my main device every day, and this app has seriously changed the way I think about podcasting. Happy to answer questions here all day!
Jonathan Baillie Strong
@applepodcasts @mignano always impressed with the pace with which Anchor is developing product. Question for you - what would you say are the main differences between this and the Spreaker Studio app? https://www.spreaker.com/ios-studio
Ryan Hoover
Nice timing, @mignano, considering this thing launched today.
Captain Suleiman
Now I just need to figure out how to connect my Blue mic to my iPad :P
Cameron Roe
Nice promo.
Hasan Liou
Great features, especially considering the accessibility of an iPad. Great looking UI, too! The compactness of the entire application cuts out a lot of the nasty equipment and editing work.
David Mermelstein
Mac App in the future?