Michael Goland

Anatomy Podcasts - Rotten Tomatoes for podcasts

Anatomy Podcasts wants to help listeners know which podcasts are worth their time and which aren't. The site let's users rate and review shows and episodes. The goal is to do for podcasts what Rotten Tomatoes did for movies and Goodreads did for books.

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Michael Goland
Any and all feedback is super helpful. I know there are similar services out there, but I've found them all to be too "Twitter-esque". I built this site to be an "always-on" reference for people looking for podcasts to listen to. I especially hope it's helpful for older, serialized shows (such as S-Town and Dr. Death).
Pavel 'Strajk' Dolecek
@migo83 I wanted to explore few podcasts and was surprised that description is "hidden" in third tab... relocating it somewhere in the main tile, maybe directly below the name, would make it much more prominent https://monosnap.com/file/ZRhdEx...
Michael Goland
@straaajk this is great feedback and agreed, this should be more prominent. thank you!!
Dan Parsons
@migo83 what inspired the name?
Michael Goland
@danbyday I believe there were a lot of similarities between the podcast universe and the complexity and symbiotic relationship of the various parts of the human body. Plus I wanted an "A" name that stylized well.
Dan Parsons
@migo83 nice! any particular reason for an "A" name? (interesting requirement)
It'd be kind of interesting if this surfaced interesting, lesser-known podcasts that I wouldn't otherwise find out about, but the homepage just lists some huge, already very popular podcasts. I don't see the value in that.
Michael Goland
@levi1 This is a great point. We can definitely highlight a "hidden gems" section. Right now we're working on user feedback/voting on podcasts. But there is definitely value in highlighting podcasts with smaller subscriber bases. This is great feedback thank you.
Can Olcer
I wanted to fill out the contact form on your website but it shows an error when pressing send
Michael Goland
@canolcer good to know. looking into this. thank you!
Daniel Glickman
Great idea! Love this....
Michael Goland
@daniel_glickman thanks Daniel! Feel free to sign up for an account and interact with the site.