Timothy Long

Amino CSS Editor - Live CSS Editor for Chrome


Amino is a live CSS editor for Chrome. Make visual changes to any website with CSS and see changes in real time. Sync, edit, and export your custom style sheets.

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Stefan Petrovic
Great extension!!! Do you plan on adding live inject into the page. It seams that I need to reload the page for the changes to take effect?
Eric Uldall
Hi @petrovicstefan , There should be no need to refresh the page. Once you hit the save button in the extension it should immediately inject the css content into your active tab and render the styles accordingly. There is one case I know of that may exhibit that behavior... if you already had a tab open when you installed the plugin and tried to save a style on that tab it would not work... this is because the content script that handles rendering your custom css is injected when a page is loaded. Please let us know if you're still having any issues. Thanks for checking out the extension! :D
Stefan Petrovic
Hi, @ericuldall you were right about the content script not being loaded. The tab was suspended but regardless i think it didn't load the content script. Once I reloaded it worked like a charm. Actually still using it to destroy websites ahhah. It's actually great for suppressing procrastination as well. I destroy all pages on fb domain, leave the extension running, go work, back to fb see the destroyed page, remember i should be working and so i do 😆
Really impressive! Have used a few tools in the past with similar functionality, but don't recall any of them being presented this elegantly.
Timothy Long
@just2jays Huge compliment. Thanks for the kind word, and glad to hear you're enjoying it.
Larsen Pedersen
Hi there - Why does the extension need to be able to send me notifications?
Timothy Long
@larsenpedersen Hey Larsen. We use push notifications to notify you when you pick an element selector that you want to style, and that it's been copied to the clipboard: https://imgur.com/a/dWiSqv6 - Thanks for taking a look.
Kevin Yun
Does this work with SCSS?
Timothy Long
@kevinyun Hi Kevin. SCSS is not supported presently, but we have it in the roadmap and plan to work on it in the near future.
Timothy Long
@kevinyun Kevin, just following up here. Amino supports Sass/SCSS as of v2.5 (currently out now). 👍
Lauren L Perfors
Just tried this out! I normally use MagicCSS. Amino definitely has a "prettier" UI, but MagicCSS has a few features I can't live without that aren't in Amino (yet?): 1) When a CSS selector is typed in to the Magic CSS editor, it instantly highlights it on the browser page. When revising existing sites or overriding styles in a child theme on WP, this is helpful. 2) Style revisions are shown in real-time, no waiting to hit "save" to see them. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but it saves a lot of time in your workflow for it to be instantaneous!
Piet Nutbey
Been using Amino CSS editor for at least a year now. it is well maintained with frequent useful updates. A few items I like about the product: - Live editing. Yes browser "inspectors" allow this, but nowhere near as easily accessible as Amino. - Live Editing of SCSS. Huge!! Live editing tools have become a thing of the past for some reason! Only tools such as PrePos, CodeKit or Espresso have this, but only after some initial setup or creation of projects. Amino does it on the fly. - (S)CSS edits are "sticky". Whether that is on "page" or "domain", you will not loose things on a refresh or close of browser. Is it a full fledged editor? Not yet, but very close. I think if there is a workaround for the Chrome 100Kb limit, then the potential is there. For now it is a very very very useful tool in my troubleshooting toolkit and it surely contributes to increasing my workflow on a daily basis
Runyasak Ch.
First, thank you for the great project. This is the awesome extension that help front-end developer life. 😁 Actually, there has some selector that cannot be use, such as `>`. For now, I solved with SASS that AMINO supported. Thank you again. 😁