This looks like a really neat initiative by amazon. Not only do they offer a very feature rich product for FREE, but they also are using this as a source of material for their original content. After you finish, you can easily submit to Amazon Studios.
h/t @sarahintampa
I've used to write a few screenplays and it's been fantastic. However, they recently stopped supporting other formats for novels and books. Wondering if Amazon Story will ever allow writers to create all types of works not just screenplays. It would be awesome if we could have one platform for all types of writing. As it is now, writers have to use multiple tools like Celtx or Final Draft for scripts and Scrivener or Word or Google Drive for novels and books.
More about Celtx. They have a simple web version like Amazon story but their desktop client for Mac or Windows works much better. It syncs your work to your web account (most of the time). There are mobile apps too for iPhone/iPad.
It's interesting, but the submit part not so much, they can get it made, but it's not like you'll get anything out of it. Basically this is good if you are looking to get your name out there I guess, but even then, will they give you credit for?
They should make the submission part more enticing.
This looks really cool. I used to use an app called Sophocles until the creator up and vanished. I loved the interactions there. I hope these are similar.
Curious to hear from Amazon on where this is headed and why they launched it. Also wondering why they don't have a book writer tool (maybe this is the beginning?)
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