Yehoshua Zlotogorski

Creativity Booster by Alpe Audio - Find stories & examples for your teaching & content

No more writers block.
Don't stay stuck wondering how to open your lesson, article or video.
Automatically generate great opening hooks, stories and relevant examples about anything you want to teach or write about!

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Yehoshua Zlotogorski
Ever find yourself not knowing how to start that article you're writing or that lesson you need to teach? You need to find an opening hook, a story that brings your point to life but you're stumped? No more - Let me introduce you to our story and example finder. Just type in what you want to teach or write about and it offers anecdotes, stories and examples to get your brain juice going. We use this all the time to find good stories for our audio courses @AlpeAudio and just wanted to let everyone use it. Enjoy and happy teaching and writing!
Guy Hadash
Since giant ML language models are trained over enormous amount of text, they have a lot of information embedded in them. We take advantage of that fact and use this as a kind of search engine, that helps us find great stories for you teach with!
Liz Cohen
Love this! As a content creator, there's nothing like a prompt to get it going.
Itai Handler
Looks very interesting!!
edmund amoye
Hey. This is nice cos it does exactly what it says.
Yehoshua Zlotogorski
@edmundamoye :-) Exactly what it says! Hope you enjoy it!
Neat! fun, simple, and functional. Will be using this when I need a creativity boost.
Yehoshua Zlotogorski
@thefedoration Hope you enjoy :-)
Sheng Wang
Try a lot. Never find anything useful. The examples are all too short to be used in class
Yehoshua Zlotogorski
@sheng_wang That's unfortunate to hear! We use it to get the creativity flowing and kickstart us.