Jack Smith

Allbirds Wool Loungers - Silicon Valley's favorite shoe now comes as a slip-on


Allbirds Wool Loungers are 100% wool, breathable loungers for your day-to-day.

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Jack Smith
Allbirds have raised ~$10million in funding from some top investors, and seem to be the show of Silicon Valley, as I notice many entrepreneurs and VCs wearing them. they're well liked for their minimalist design and the unique aspect that they're made from merino wool. They've now launched a new slip-on lounger version to complement their sneakers
Ben Tossell
'Silicon Valley's favourite shoe' ??? πŸ€” Are TOMs shoes still a thing?
Sumeet Shah
@bentossell yep, especially now that they're half owned by Bain Capital :-)
Niv Dror
me all day
Will Brennan
Truly Allbirds are the life and sole of the party here in SF.
Sumeet Shah
@wfb pun game on pointe. See what I did there?
Josh Day
Who here expects an animal rights group to be all over this company as it scales?
Erwin James Will
@thejoshuaday from their website "Our merino wool is ZQ-certified, which means it meets stringent standards of sustainable farming and animal welfare. In other words, no sheep were harmed in the making of these shoes." https://www.allbirds.com/pages/o...
Jack Smith
@thejoshuaday why would animal rights people be upset about wool being used? you don't have to kill a sheep to sheer it
Jack Smith
@jevinsew @thejoshuaday ? sheep aren't kept captive. they are just grazing on some mountains, it would actually be mean NOT to shear them https://www.allbirds.com/pages/o...
Niv Dror
BREAKING: @Allbirds HQ is right next to the Product Hunt Office
AndrΓ© J
hundred dollar wool loafers πŸ‘Œ
Sumeet Shah
Hey guys, just hopping in here to clarify a few things re: AllBirds. (Disclaimer: we invested in the seed round.) AllBirds has been a bit of a runaway hit in terms of sales with their laceups, and it's definitely been quite popular across founders and VCs, but it's also because of how ridiculously comfortable they are. The $95 price point is pretty common when you compare it to shoes in a similar area (Nike Free, Adidas NMD, etc.) and merino wool is breathable and moisture wicking so you can really wear them without socks. (Plus you can throw them in the wash!) The loungers are great because they're a cleaner, tailored style and are super easy to wear with everything. I understand the $95 price point may seem steep but it's definitely worth the trial. I'm personally excited to see it do well with women, as many women have been wanting to get a version of AllBirds that are more work appropriate!
Jack Smith
@pe_feeds yep; adidas and nike make much more expensive shoes and merino wool is a premium fabric.
Sumeet Shah
@_jacksmith Exactly. Because they source their merino wool they're able to keep the cost down. If any of y'all get a pair, LMK what you think!
Tom Pryor
@pe_feeds what do you mean by "source their merino wool"?
Benjamin Delespierre
Horrible. I wouldn't wear that to take out the trashes...
Benjamin Delespierre
$ 95 USD??? is that some kind of joke???
No one in Silicon Valley has feet larger than size 13? Sad! Silicon Beach has shoes of ALL sizes! We have the biggest feet on the westside!
Mike Stenhouse
They remind me of Mahabis... Indoor/outdoor slippers. https://mahabis.com/
Parwinder Bhagat
These look neat! I remember they were available for $75 (the original ones) on Cart Cam. Missed the chance! Have a wedding with casual theme to attend in a month and I think the blue slip ons will look fantastic
Thomas TomHawk Burningham
They look good. $100 is steep
Jack Smith
@thomas_tomhawk_burningham is inline with other products made using merino wool - it's a premium fabric
Tom Bielecki
These look a lot like slippers.
Matt Dominici
Dumb question...but do allbirds make your feet sweat?? Like, are they summer-appropriate?
Sumeet Shah
@mattydom merino wool is designed to absorb moisture and sweat, so yes, they're summer appropriate. :-)