Chris Messina

Alfred 3 - The Mac's best launcher just got a whole lot better

Top Hunter

Alfred is an award-winning app for Mac OS X which boosts your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion and more. Search your Mac and the web, and be more productive with custom actions to control your Mac.

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Ryan Hoover
Love this use case (cc @ow):
David Singer
@rrhoover not taking away from Alfred, but if you use OS X's built-in text replace, it carries over to your other devices. I add a / then whatever. So I can ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ all over the place
@singer @rrhoover OS X's shortcuts only work in native (safari, mail etc...) apps.
David Singer
@ndyno @rrhoover I use them everywhere, from Facebook to Tweetbot to Snapchat to Day One to even Clash of Clans. The only app I use across desktop+mobile that blocks them is Slack, and since I start many of my own replacements with / I have a double-whammy against me there. Edit: I should add that Chrome is one of the apps that doesn't play friendly with it, and Slack (desktop) is a wrapper of Electron which is based on Chromium, afaik.
Ananggadipa Raswanto
@singer @ndyno @rrhoover text replacement is working on slack desktop app, you should enable this, not avaiable in chrome though.
Patrick Thompson
@singer OSX has built in text replacement? Can't believe I didn't know.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
So excited for the new release of Alfred! The new Workflow editor looks like it'll make programming your Mac to do your bidding so much better! There's also new snippet expansion, multimedia clipboard, better theming and more.
Jérémie Olivier
@chrismessina Awesome ! New Clipboard history is great too !
James Walker
@chrismessina Yeah, I've been using the beta and, sadly (for them), I think it might replace TextExpander
Tom Masiero
@chrismessina Alfred3 = Zapier for your Mac!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@blendahtom perfect description!
Ben Waardenburg
Did this just release? I just bought the Powerpack a couple days ago
Eytan Schulman
@benwubbleyou If you bought the power pack any time after January 1st, 2016 you get a free upgrade to Alfred 3 power pack.
Martin Kessler
@eytanschulman @benwubbleyou Oh man... bought my power pack literary at the end of November. Sucks. 😡
Vero Pepperrell
@kesslerio Upgrading to the Mega Supporter license would mean you never have to buy an upgrade again ;)
Martin Kessler
@thatcanadiangirl Maybe I will do so at Alfred v4. I completely understand you have to make money, but would have hoped that I'd get at least for a year new updates. Anyways, I'm under ban by my wife to spend more money on apps and gadgets until our startup has more funding. 😭😭
Jamie Martin
One of the best reasons to use a Mac
Anna  Miroshnichenko

I cannot imagine how to use Mac without it. Finding apps by name is more convenient for me that do it with standard ways that iOS provides


Very simple UI, easy to use, speed up my navigation through the many opened apps.



David Ferguson
Alfred is the bee's knees.. the cat's pajamas.. understand? Download it. Get the Powerpack. Do it. Do it now.
Jonathan Z. White
This looks like an amazing release. The workflow editor looks great! I wonder if there are any plans for a directory or repository of pre-made workflows. Would definitely use 🙌
Andrew Mutavdzija
Power pack is free upgrade for those purchased in 2016
Bryan Rehbein
I have been supporting Alfred since the beginning. They have done a wonderful job with this app and I think everybody should download it and use it. If you use Font Awesome, do yourself a favor and find the Font Awesome workflow.
@redbeard0x0a to me it embodies everything an app should be: clear interface with no bells and whistles, extremely functional, bugs free as far as I'm concerned, AND incredible customer support. Can't recommend it enough.
I use Alfred since day one. This is one of the apps that I don't mind paying for an upgrade. Whenever a new Mac comes to my hands, it is the first app I install. I even install it on friends' Macs. Awesome!
Angel Botto
holy sh******** 😱😱😱 hyper upvote!
James Koole
Super update, happy to have sent some more money over for v3. I can't imagine using a computer without Alfred anymore.
Kris Puckett
So pumped for this. I have had powerpack for a very long time. Can't wait for more!
It just keeps getting better and better - timely too as with the improvement of snippets (and auto expand) I no longer need TextExpander (or its renewal cost - bargain!)
Chuck Kahn
Do the Alfred 2 powerpacks not work with Alfred 3? I googled alfred evernote and came across this workflow: but it no work.
Vero Pepperrell
@chuckkahn Alfred 2 workflows will import into Alfred 3 perfectly fine, but some workflows like the Evernote one, require a little bit of extra love as Evernote stores data in different locations (depending on version and on whether you're using the App Store or direct download). Take a look at if you need a hand getting up and running with it :)
Reinier Ladan
I've thrown TextExpander out of the window thanks to the new snippet thing in Alfred 3.
Greg Stone
Uh, yes! 👍 Getting this is a no brainier for anyone who loves their Mac.
Tarun Gangwani
I've been an Alfred customer for a while, and I can't live without it. If you are a 2.0 customer, you'll have to pay some euros, but it is well worth it for the work these guys have put in. This new release adds new goodies while not breaking the core of its awesome feature set. Love the refreshed look for Mac OS 10.11 too. It will be interesting to see how the new snippet feature effects installs of TextExpander...
Doug C. Hardester
I've been an Alfred user for a long time. It's such a great tool to increase your productivity and overall use. I can't recommend it enough. I can't wait to dive in to all of the cool new features and updates!
Joe Cotellese
Wow, I'm a pretty hardcore LaunchBar guy but might have to give the new Alfred a look.