Hey! This is neat, however, you need to make sure it doesn't go searching for articles when sent common phrases like 'Thanks', it returned results about Thanksgiving, when really it just felt right to show gratitude to your bot 😊
@gregjwww we keep correcting him and sometimes he does it right, but he seems to like a lot Thanksgiving hahahah We are working on it :D
thanks for your feedback :D
Guys the project looks amazing! If you like Bots and use Wikipedia then this is the project of the day for you! Check it out! Keep the awesome work @sandoche@patricia_mayo
@erezson Hi Erez, Alex is a MVP version and he is still learning, it is using NLP and machine learning backend, so the more people that talks to him the better answers he will provide. Be patience, he will grow up soon :)
Also, we are soon opening the source code, so external developers can help us to make him smarter :)
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