Andrew Savischenko

Albato 3.0 - Turn tech chaos into integration magic


With Albato, you can easily integrate your applications into automated workflows using an intuitive builder. We help teams eliminate manual tasks and the stress of searching for technical solutions. Focus your budget and time solely to key tasks.

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Andrew Savischenko

Hi product hunters! πŸ‘‹ My name is Andrew, and I'm responsible for growth at Albato! πŸš€

Ever been stressed with tight deadlines and the need for integration without time to sync with developers? Or when manual tasks threaten your timelines? πŸ˜“

What Albato Does πŸ› οΈ

Albato offers a solution to integrate the applications your team uses, connecting them into a unified automated workflow. You don't need to be a tech expert. Everything is set up in a visual editor, and the integration is built like a constructor. It's like having an extra team member πŸ‘₯ ready to tackle your tasks, allowing you to focus on key priorities. This ensures your team can trust in the consistency and accuracy of the data, maintain control over your work processes, and be independent in achieving your business goals! 🎯

Features 🌟

  • πŸ“±Ever-Growing App List: Your team can integrate with over 600 applications. This includes popular AI platforms such as OpenAI, Stable Diffusion, Happy Scribe, Jasper AI, Writesonic, and many more.
  • 🧠 Automation Builder: Connect applications using an intuitive builder. Decide what triggers your workflow and the subsequent actions that follow. Set the conditions and circumstances under which automated actions will be executed in your workflow.
  • πŸ”„ Public Solution: Combine your automations into a single solution and share it with colleagues or other Albato users. This allows for a quick setup of your automation templates.
  • πŸ›’ Embedded Solution: For SaaS owners: Deploy a marketplace of native integrations directly within your product without coding, or integrate the Automation Builder into your product's interface.
  • πŸ”— App Integrator: Add any application to Albato without writing code. Once added, it becomes available for workflow creation. You can keep it private, share it with colleagues or clients, or make it available to all Albato users if you're the app owner.
  • πŸ’° Affiliate Program and Certification: You can utilize public Solutions, links to the apps you've created, and other content to promote yourself as an expert, or implement our Embedded product for SaaS. Albato has introduced an affiliate program with LIFETIME commissions.

Why would you and your team choose Albato? πŸ€”

However, sometimes when implementing a new No Code tool, it's hard to discern the difference between traditional coding and No Code. Albato stands out because it preserves the original principles and values of No Code:

  • πŸ’Έ Affordable Price: Albato makes No Code accessible for small teams, entrepreneurs, and other businesses. Its rates are on average 30% cheaper than major competitors.
  • πŸ–₯️ Intuitive Interface: Albato offers a simple and clean interface, making the automation creation process understandable without requiring programming knowledge.
  • 🀝 Support: If you have questions, Albato ensures that you will be assisted without turning the conversation into a technical task for a developer. Their experts provide free consultations.
  • πŸ“£ Open Dialogue with Users: Albato has integrated a product backlog into the interface and allows users to suggest ideas or vote for others' ideas. Your opinions shape Albato’s development priorities.
  • πŸ›‘οΈ You can trust us: You can rely on feedback from our users and the awards on G2, including "Leader", "Best Result", "Best Relationship", "Best Usability", and "Most Implementable". These are the best accolades for us! Taking this opportunity, I want to thank them for every fair review! πŸ‘

Product Hunters, we'd be grateful if you try and rate Albato. We've prepared a 7-day trial with full Albato functionality, plus a 50% discount on any regular plan with the promo code HuntAlbato23! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ

Chris Mendez
@andrew_savischenko Albato Team has a history of building high-quality products. The design UIX can always improve but the reliability is there.
Arsen Ibragimov
@andrew_savischenko I've been using Albato for a while now, and it's truly transformed the way I handle integrations. The intuitive builder has made automating workflows a breeze, saving me both time and money. No more tech chaos, just pure integration magic! Highly recommend.
Daniel Feles
Hey @andrew_savischenko , Albato sounds like a game-changer for teams needing intuitive integration solutions! Will definitely give it a spin and appreciate the detailed insight into its capabilities. Congrats on the launch and good luck!
Darya Antonyuk
Congrats on the launch, guys, my vote is for you! Seems like Albato is an awesome tools for tech beginners (like me)
Andrew Savischenko
@darya_antonyuk Thank you! It's appreciated!
Dmitry Osipov
@darya_antonyuk this product doesn't seem like. It's must-have for everyday for any kind of user's skills.
Christophe HK
πŸ’Ž Pixel perfection
Albato : a game changer in the automation world. The UX/UI is really good, performances too. A lot of Apps and integrations are available, and is growing week after week. In case your third party app or API call for an app is not available, you ca' request to get it impmemented, but also, and that's so powerful, you can implement it by yourself, for yourself or for others if you publish it. Awesome ! There's a learning curve, but affordable, really. Documentation is great, and Albato support is efficient and reactive. Congrats Albato, I unsubscribed BOTH Zapier and Make, your product is a no brainer.
Andrew Savischenko
@christophe_h We truly value your trust in choosing Albato over other platforms, and we're excited to continue growing and improving for our dedicated users like you.
Christophe HK
@andrew_savischenko what can I answer ?... Thanks to YOU. YOU are providing me with Albato's VALUE. So.. Congrats !
Sharon Rottman
Albato is very available for questions or issues. We love using to connect between aps. They are always adding new apps. It is easy to use even for a non tech kind of person. Keep up the good work!
Andrew Savischenko
@sharon_rottman Thank you so much for your kind words! We're delighted to hear that you've found Albato easy to use and helpful for your needs.
Martha Patzer
@sharon_rottman Hi Sharon! Thanks for this helpful review. Just followed you because I'm also a community builder
Ursula Lily
Albato is an affordable alternative to Pabbly or Zappier. Though it does not offer as many integrations as its competitors, the price makes it accessible for all levels of users. Also the ability to create custom integrations is a significant advantage. However the custom app integrator is very complex to use and has a learning curve. I am not convinced non technical users will manage. Even for technical users, we really need more videos on how to use it for more complex integrations. The user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate. They have created an academy to learn how to use the tool. One huge drawback is the way they count operations that consumes high volume extremely fast. I hope they reconsider their strategy, as many engaged users have urged them to do so many times. Also they really should invest in a ticketing system to handle user-related issues as a small chat window is really not indicated to keep track of all the issues. Even so I believe as the number of integrations increases this tool is going to be a real gem, and I'll be glad to have purchased it.
Andrew Savischenko
@duchesselily Firstly, thank you for taking the time to provide such detailed feedback on Albato. We truly appreciate users like you who share insights that allow us to continually improve. We are consistently working to enhance our interface and overall user experience. While we acknowledge that our custom app integrator is currently a bit complex, especially for adding API to Albato, we're dedicated to simplifying it. We're regularly releasing new content, and we're hopeful that the App Integrator will soon become more user-friendly. Regarding the way we count operations and the volume consumption, your concerns are duly noted. We're actively considering revisions in this area, especially given the feedback from our engaged user base. We also recognize the importance of an efficient system to manage user issues, and we'll definitely look into investing in a more robust ticketing system, as you've suggested. Thank you for recognizing the potential in Albato. Rest assured, we're committed to refining all the points you've raised. We hope that as we grow and evolve, you'll continue to see the value in our tool.
Andrew Savischenko
@duchesselily Also, we are constantly expanding the list of applications. You can leave any application you need on our public product board and we will try to add it!
Max Savo
Congrats guys!
Andrew Savischenko
@msvst Tks!🀘
Benjamin Vanpeperstraete
I use it since more than 3 months. Honestly, it's a very good alternative to Zapier or Make, and it's soooooooo less expensive :D PS : The roadmap announces very interesting things that will appear on albato ! Thanks so much !
Andrew Savischenko
@benjamin_vanpeperstraete Public Roadmap has been the best discovery for us and the starting point of many changes! Thank you!
Valeriia Dziubenko
πŸ’Ž Pixel perfection
Albato 3.0 sounds like a game-changer for streamlining workflows and reducing manual tasks! I love the idea of turning tech chaos into integration magic. I have a few questions about the product: 1. Can Albato integrate with any application, or are there specific ones it works best with? 2. Are there any limitations or potential challenges that users should know when implementing Albato? I look forward to hearing more about Albato and its impact on teams' productivity! Keep up the great work!
Andrew Savischenko
@valeriia_dziubenko It's great to hear that you appreciate us. Albato is indeed all about the magic! Let me try to answer your questions. Currently, the list of applications in Albato consists of 600+ apps, mainly the popular ones. If a certain application is missing, users typically either suggest it on our product board and we add it, or they integrate it into Albato themselves using the App Integrator feature. By the way, there are many specialists now who can even do this for you. With Albato, your customization possibilities are almost limitless. However, the platform's capabilities depend on the functionality available in your app. For instance, if Facebook provides an option to automatically create a post, then such a function will always be available in Albato!
Andy Lim
Congrats @andrew_savischenko and Albato's team. I can save time by automating repetitive tasks such as data entry across multiple apps. I wish you all success in making Albato one of the best app integrators on the market.
Andrew Savischenko
@andy_lim Thank you!
Congratulations on the launch Andrew! I'm sure this will help a lot of non-techies automate a lot of manual tech processes and free up their time to help them work on more productive tasks!
Sarang Gambhir
Possibly the best zapier alternative. Super fast development and good amount of integrations! Congratulations on V3.0 πŸ™Œ
Andrew Savischenko
@sarang_gambhir Oh, yes! Thank you!
Jeremy Weiss
Albato is the reliable, affordable, easy to use alternative to Zapier that I had been looking for!
Andrew Savischenko
@jeremyw Tks! 🀘🏼
Max T.Pham
Congrats Andrew & team on the launch!
Andrew Savischenko
@maxtpham πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» Thank you!
Kiran N
Well well well, congrats @mikhail_fedorinin @andrew_savischenko @leo_goldfarb @wenddy_dias1 @nik_grishin and to the entire team! For over a year, our agency has been using Albato, and we rely on it extensively, using it every single day! I appreciate the team for consistently delivering product updates and valuing the feedback from the community. One of our favorite automations is the update from NiftyPM to Slack! Clients now receive updates to their private Slack channel, ensuring that their entire team have access to the latest project status. Please continue to deliver us with outstanding features!
Andrew Savischenko
@mikhail_fedorinin @leo_goldfarb @wenddy_dias1 @nik_grishin @kiran_grafix Hello! That's great! If you ever have any requests or need my assistance, don't hesitate to reach out!
Congrats on the launch @mikhail_fedorinin ! The idea of turning that chaos into integration magic is really intriguing. I'm wondering, what kind of applications does Albato support for automated workflows? Can it handle social media DMs as well? Great job on creating a product that allows teams to focus on what really matters!
Stas Romanov
Oh, it's cool, I wanted to try :) But i haven't noticed a list of changes in v3.0
Andrew Savischenko
@realrus Oh, besides expanding the list of applications (we've added about 200 since the last launch), - We've improved the App Integrator. - We've cleaned up our interface and ensured the product's health is in good order. - We released public solutions (you can now share your automations). - We've also added 2 courses to the Academy and a three-tier affiliate program with lifetime payouts. - Furthermore, we've enhanced our embedded solution, adding the ability to integrate the builder functionality directly into your product's UI. - And we've also integrated our product backlog with the option for users to vote directly from their personal dashboard.
sal sh
best no code software for integrating apps. I bought the LTD and i couldn't be happy for not missing an oppertunity this good
Andrew Savischenko
@sal_sh Thanks for the honest review!
Nour Beiruti
Congrats on the launch, proud user of Albato here. So happy to see how far Albato has grown and excited to see what's to come next. Thanks for simplifying the chaos of integrations.
April E. Serrano
tldr., I strongly recommend checking out Albato if you use Zapier or are considering trying to automate your business. My opinion about Albato,, I like that Albato is very responsive and has a transparent roadmap for feature requests. Automation and connection setup are straightforward. It is easy to use and self-explanatory, and the platform itself is really snappy. There are a lot of indicators that it is not an alpha or a beta product. Lots of thought has been put into the tool from design to functionality :) I believe more integrations would make them the go to choice in the Automation field. great job on the launch @andrew_savischenko @mikhail_fedorinin -A.
Alexey Beliy
Let's rock guys! 🀘🏼
Andrew Savischenko
@new_user_273350571974c To the moon! πŸš€πŸŒ•