Alexey Beliy

Albato 2.0 - Build no-code API automations between any cloud apps


Albato is a no-code platform that lets you integrate cloud services and build custom automations to simplify your workflow easier.

Automations can simplify your business, but setting them up is more complicated than assembling a kid’s toy!

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Shushant Lakhyani
I'm into building products with no-code, and I'll try to use this in different usecases. Congratulations on the launch!
Alexey Beliy
@shushant_lakhyani thanks so much!
Mikhail Fedorinin
@shushant_lakhyani, thank you! Don't hesitate to ask questions if you face some obstacles. We are open to helping you with any cases ;)
Alexey Beliy
Hey Fellows!! My name is Alex Beliy, and I am the CEO of Albato, a cloud platform that helps automate any business processes with no-code. Happy to announce that we are posting a great special offer for everyone! Lifetime offers remain real! And here you can find our lifetime offer: Hurry!! This is a limited offer. I would like to refresh some details about us: We have been evolving SaaS companies for many years, and we communicate with a massive number of different businesses across the globe. The problem I see in almost all industries is that you need to use more and more applications and tools in your daily work to remain efficient. However, all these tools can only help your business if they are merged into a single ecosystem, which is usually incredibly expensive and challenging. That is the pain point we are trying to tackle with our solution. Our mission is to make the process of building ecosystems for businesses accessible, fast, and cheap—no matter which country you are building a business in or what tools you use. I realize that we are not pioneers in this niche, and we already have several competitors. However, we see a number of great advantages to our product. Among the key differentiators, I would highlight the following: - Free App Integrator tool If you can’t find an app in our integration library, you can add it yourself, quickly and easily, using our powerful no-code App Integrator tool. - Intuitive, straightforward interface We’ve come a long way by collecting wishes from our users to make the best interface on the market. Our goal is that even a person without a technical background can fully enjoy our simple and user-friendly UI. - A bunch of outstanding features Our product allows you to migrate historic data from one system to another in data migration mode. You can use the router tool to create complicated scenarios for your automation. You can work with arrays using our Iterator and Aggregator tools. Albato allows you to use more than dozen of different tools, which allows you to solve any task in a fast no-code way. - Pricing policy We want to make our product affordable, not only for large businesses, but also for small companies and individuals. Therefore, we work hard every day to revise our operating costs to make the tool more accessible for everyone. - White-label product (Embedded integrations) If you are a SaaS business and want all integrations to be inside your platform, you can benefit greatly from our embedded product, saving you tons of time and money. -Solutions Finally, we are going to present to the world our Solutions, which are actually ready-made templates for automation, like if you using the marketplace and choosing already prepared by somebody automation case. The best thing about Solutions is that our users will be able to create them and share them with the link to the world. In this way, you can integrate your App with Apps Integrator and then create a Solution, which you after will install by the link to your potential client! Coming in September! To sum things up, Albato is far more than just a business for us. We want to bring together awesome people from the AppSumo community and tap into their talents to evolve our product and significantly impact the entire SaaS industry! Enjoy using Albato! Cheers! Alex
Petr Antropov
At $69 for LIFETIME with 60-day moneyback guarantee by AppSumo? Not bad for a Zapier alternative.
Alexey Beliy
@petr_antropov1 Yep!! Just a fairy offer!!)
Where do I find this pricing plan? I don’t see it.
Wenddy Dias
Hii @john_rhee2 ! I'm Albato's community manager. It's a pleasure! You can check our lifetime plans on the AppSumo page:
Felipe from Chile
Hi, Add facebook page integration.
Alexey Beliy
@felipeph Hi Felipe! Feel free to add this issue here:
Sergey Budyakov
Great product, we're using it for most of our external integrations and it works great.
Alexey Beliy
@budyakovsergey Hey! nice to hear it!! Thanks!
Amit Sherman
Are you planning to support Quickbooks? How is this product better than Zapier? I'm looking to auto generate invoices from salesforce to quickbooks. Zapier integration was not robust enough & with intermediate logic to support what I needed.
Alexey Beliy
@amit_sherman Hey Amit! Yeah, we have 2 options: > public roadmap > dedicated app integrator that gives you many options to add any apps + We have customized embedded solution for SaaS. For example you can check all integrations
Ganjiguur N
Hello, Can you add Instagram Story & Reel message integration for business account?
Alexey Beliy
@ganjiguur_natsagdorj Hey Ganjiguur! You can check our open Roadmap and feel free to add your request there!
Ashley Porciuncula
Genius! Congratulations on the launch!
Mike Inishev
Great product guys! Congratulations 🎉