Ahoy allows you to leave comments on any webpage through its virtual comment board. See what web surfers all around the world are reading, and start a conversation!
Your web surfing experience will never be the same again.
@bogomep Hello, thank you for the question! We store your data (user information and comments) in an encrypted form and are using basic JWT authentication for API calls. Other than that, we are in no way tracking your internet records or browsing history. The website you leave a comment on will be only store in our server when you leave the comment! If you are just plain web surfing and not leaving comments, we will never find out what you were seeing.
Hello, Product Hunt 😀
As an ardent web surfer, I always wanted a tool that could help me directly express my thoughts about the webpage right after viewing the page.
Thus, I created a chrome extension that floats a virtual comment board on every web page you visit! With Ahoy, your web surfing will become much socialized and interactive.
This is an MVP version of the product, so there can be many bugs & inconveniences. It would be great if you guys could take a look at it and provide constructive feedback. Any suggestions on new features are also highly welcomed!
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