Egor Kuznetsov

Activities - We know how to make you productive.


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Egor Kuznetsov
Based on latest productivity and personal growth researches, we created an app that can help you accomplish more and be healthier by managing your time and helping track your goals in the simplest possible way. Now, you don’t need to spend a lot of your energy and time to setup everything. Native and intelligent user interface can help you in time savings. So, you can spend this productive time achieving success and happiness in your life. With Activities you can: - Boost your productivity and effectiveness - Manage your schedule and time in an innovative way - Monitor how you spent your time in a day/week/month/year perspective - «Stay Focused» mode can help you to beat phone addiction and stay more focused on your tasks - Live a healthy lifestyle
Timur Karbaya
We are planning to use external APIs in future updates to track activities from other products, so we'll be glad to collaborate :) Bonus: 3YKR4P3EJ6AW 3KKWNX39JX66 X37YXFK7NNWK (please mention which one you take)