Alex Ast

Independent Evaluation of Software Development - Independent Evaluation of Software Development


Each company has problems inside of Software Development Process. It doesn't depend on company size. The difference is some companies cover all expenses and even do not see the problem the others have to decrease the quality of the product to keep it alive or just shut down the development.

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Alex Ast
#aasoftwaresolutions running the second direction - Independent Evaluation of Software Development. Each company has problems inside of Software Development Process. It doesn't depend on company size. The difference is some companies cover all expenses and even do not see the problem the others have to decrease the quality of the product to keep it alive or just shut down the development. We spent much time on investigation this global issue and noticed many common mistakes like lack of development process, the incompetence of development team and communication issues between the product and development team. And same time each company has own private issues. We are making costs optimizations based on a deep investigation of each client.