This is the most awesomest thing ever. When can I be a guest? I want to explain why I'm asking. See, I have great difficulty in chopping out the fat out of any content I create. My last YouTube video was 28 minutes and people told me it could have easily been 3. I need something to force me to get far more precise and more laser sharp. Help a man in need........please?
@rrhoover this project is all about constraints.
Once inspiration was Vine. I know a lot of folks are leaving it, but I've just been getting into it. I love how much creativity people fit into 6.5 seconds. When I ordered my Vines by popularity, clips like this one were the most popular. I thought: "I should try this as audio only."
I love this idea if only because it ends up as a montage of audio bits. This might do really well on the recent audio app Anchor ( as well.