Brandon Gadoci

2PM, Inc. - Intelligence for decision makers in the commerce landscape.

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Jesse Genet
Completely essential if you're participating in or interested in the future of commerce.
Web Smith
@jessegenet Thank you so much, Jesse. Your company is one of my favorite B2B brands on the entire internet. Truly awesome what you and Stephen have done.
Brandon Gadoci
I've been following Web since his days at Rogue. He's an amazing combination of intelligence, hustle, and humbleness. 2pm is a must have for anyone interested in keeping up with this wild world of commerce and the internet. I'm amazed at how quickly he and his team can provide such deep and actionable insight.
Web Smith
@bgadoci Brandon, thank you so much for this effort to get the word out.
Andy Rosenberg
Enjoy following Web on Twitter and have seen some word-of-mouth chatter about the quality of the content here on my timeline. That's enough to get me to convert to a paying user. Good luck, look forward to seeing where this goes!
Web Smith
@andythegiant Thank you, Andy. I work my tail off every day to make this a worthwhile product.
Andy Rosenberg
@web would love to hear you tell the story of how this came to be on the Tea'd Up podcast if you have spare 30-45 mins.
Casey Armstrong
If you are in ecommerce or have any interest in retail, this is the #1 outlet to follow and community to join. Spoiler: On a monthly basis, you will learn about the future of commerce about 6 months before it happens. Web and the 2PM team have an uncanny ability to spot trends, shifts, and acquisitions in advance.
Web Smith
@caseya Thank you sir. You're one hell of a partner.
Taylor Sicard
If you work or have any interest in retail, this is your guidebook. I’m a proud paying member and this has paid for itself many times over helping impact the decisions I make and directions I go in.
Web Smith
@taylorsicard Thank you so much, sir. I am rooting for you and your future projects.
Stuart Arsenault
2pm used to be a secret weapon to get ahead - for someone new in the industry it felt like cheating. That's still true... but the secret is out now & if you're not reading it you're falling behind.
Web Smith
@stuartarsenault I promise you, it's still quiet. Still writing it out of my house, still working 90 hours per week, and still only have one person part-time. Thanks so much for the support sir!
Stuart Arsenault
@web more than well deserved - 2pm is genuinely one of the major ways I got up to speed in the industry. Will support for a long time to come.
Waqas Ali
One of the few newsletters that I open instantly and often go back to. Web and his team are doing an amazing job that 2PM readers stay ahead of the curve on where commerce, brands and retail is going. Also has a cool twitter handle!
Web Smith
@waqasali Thank you so much, sir. Rooting for you.
Duane Wilson✌️
Almost hate to upvote and share b.c. then others will find access to well curated and thoughtful articles, opinion on the space and I don't want them to know more than me... oh, never mind, it's awesome - subscribe - go learn stuff! You'll be glad you did 💯
Web Smith
@helloduane Hahaha, fair enough. I'll try keep up with the trends and sprinkle in a few advantages for you.
Dave Maloney

Web curates pertinent content, making the Internet far more useful.


Most intelligence newsletter in the consumer space


I wish everyone on Earth read this newsletter.

Web Smith
I'm always going to root for you, Dave.
Humayun Rashid
Been following @Web on Twitter for some time. 2PM has been my go to premium content to stay ahead in eCommerce, marketing, and tech in general. Excellent content from an equally excellent dude. Keep it up!
Web Smith
@itshummm Thank you, Humayun!
Kwindla Kramer
The weekly 2PM email is one of my must-read pieces of content every week. I star it to make sure gmail doesn't start sticking it into the promotions tab, as gmail tends to do these days with everything, semi-randomly. My work is adjacent, rather than directly in, online commerce, and the newsletter gives me a way to keep up with both events and analytic framing that I'd completely miss, otherwise. This PH launch got me to go upgrade to a paid subscription, which I should have done a long time ago. (I try to keep the "must read" list as short as possible, because like everyone, I'm always behind! Right now that list is 2PM, Stratechery, Charlie Loyd, Jamelle Bouie, The Prepared, Matt Levine, Kitanya Harrison. I always love getting email newsletter recommendations.)
Web Smith
@kwindla I really appreciate the support, sir.
Corey O
A great newsletter to keep a pulse on the changing topics and challenges in direct-to-consumer businesses. Always contains good nuggets
Brandon Doyle
Best newsletter I subscribe to, and it's not close.
Web Smith
@travelintweeter Thank you so much Brandon.
Dave Ambrose
<3 @web's take on all things commerce and increasingly, content. great to see 2PM going deeper into paid research and interesting content that's applicable to a diverse audience from entrepreneurs, execs and investors.
Web Smith
@daveambrose Dave, this means a ton. Thank you for reading an sticking with me throughout the bumps. Content is hard!
George Wojciechowski
We has the sharpest insights in e-commerce. I read every newsletter thoroughly.
Web Smith
@george_wojciechowski Thank you george. Means a ton coming from one of the strongest eComm founders in the industry.
Josh Thompson
2pm’s perspective on e-commerce is top-notch. I’ve found value in reading their take on commerce and applying the concepts to the enterprise software markets that I work in.
Web Smith
@joshmthompson Thank you so much, Josh!
Kwindla Kramer

If you're interested in online commerce, you should be reading the content at 2PM.


The 2PM brief is one of my "must read" email newsletters.


No cons. This is *the* source for news and analysis about online commerce, and especially direct-to-consumer topics.

Arshdeep Sidhu
One of the few newsletters I'm religiously reading. 2PM curates the top stories in a rapidly evolving industry in an easy to digest manner. It's a huge time saver and I can trust it to keep me up to date on what I need to know. Highly recommend the paid membership.
Web Smith
@arsh_sidhu Thank you, Arsh!

PH tells me this field can't be blank.


THE resource for all things commerce/brand.


N/A. Pay for the Executive product and support independent journalism.

Web Smith
Thank you, old friend. This meant a lot to me.
Joe Anderson
In the past few months I recently discovered @web and 2pm. It's a great platform to learn about ecommerce and the players involved in the space. As a founder that builds products for this space, I wish I found it even sooner. You can tell @web deeply cares about ecommerce and I can only hope 2pm continues to grow even bigger.