10 Minute Meditation
A meditation app
Steven Rueter
10 Minute Meditation 2.0 — A haptic meditation app

10 Minute Meditation v2 uses CalmPulse harmonic haptic feedback to provide a calming, restful, and relaxing meditation experience. Meditate for a total of 10 minutes per day at your leisure by breaking up the time into micro-sessions, as needed.

ben henderson

I would love to try it. This is the first time I have read anything on being able to Mediate using my mobile. Amazing!


Something new to me


Need to try it

Alan Williams
Your link is broken.
Steven Rueter
@astropiloto working on that! Thanks!
Steven Rueter
@dtinggesture working on this with @producthunt @rrhoover, it’s v2 with the same link as the v1, which you currently can’t do on the client side when creating a new project 😟 Sorry for the wait! Thanks for your patience. Here’s the v1 link on PH with functioning product link: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Steven Rueter
@astropiloto link should work now
Steven Rueter
@dtinggesture link should work now
Any specific time of the day when this will be more useful?