Steven Rueter

10 Minute Meditation 2.0 - A haptic meditation app

10 Minute Meditation v2 uses CalmPulse harmonic haptic feedback to provide a calming, restful, and relaxing meditation experience. Meditate for a total of 10 minutes per day at your leisure by breaking up the time into micro-sessions, as needed.

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Alan Williams
Your link is broken.
Steven Rueter
@astropiloto working on that! Thanks!
Steven Rueter
@dtinggesture working on this with @producthunt @rrhoover, it’s v2 with the same link as the v1, which you currently can’t do on the client side when creating a new project 😟 Sorry for the wait! Thanks for your patience. Here’s the v1 link on PH with functioning product link:
Steven Rueter
@astropiloto link should work now
Steven Rueter
@dtinggesture link should work now
ben henderson

I would love to try it. This is the first time I have read anything on being able to Mediate using my mobile. Amazing!


Something new to me


Need to try it

Any specific time of the day when this will be more useful?