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  • Which tool do you use to find SEO keywords?

    Ezgi Aydın
    36 replies
    I used to use Ahrefs but now I'm trying out Semrush. There are so many options out there, which one is more useful in your opinion?


    Sherry L
    Joining the Ahrefs bandwagon!
    Lindsay Davis
    @prem_saini1 is it good for local SEO keyword research?
    Google Keyword Planner
    Ahrefs, UberSuggest, KeywordPlanner, Askthepublic, Semrush. Keyword sh*tter is pretty good for generating kw ideas.
    Lindsay Davis
    Ahrefs - the one and only tool for me🚀
    Salar Davari
    Ahrefs and Semrush are both good
    Shashank Tiwari
    Google Keyword Planner. This is by far the best tool with the right accuracy of keyword volumes and bids. I have also used Semrush and Ashref to find the paid keywords of my competitors.
    Ken Ito 🍄
    Ahrefs got the best data I recon. Also I found lowfruits and keyword chef to be ok recently
    Nico Spijker
    SEranking (pricing is a bit friendlier for startups + bigger tools have some features we don't use as much yet)
    Ali Jan
    For Now Semrush and Sometimes Google Keyword Planner
    Valentin Echavarria
    I use AnswerThePublic. I think it is very good because it allows you to search phrases or keywords in Google, Youtube and Bing. Other features are very useful: -Search by country and language - Every keyword or phrase contains a search link that takes you to the tab to start getting more and more into what people are looking for within a specific topic. - Metrics that measure Search Volume and CPC. - All searches contain questions, prepositions, comparisons and alphabetical order giving you a wide variety of phrases and keywords. I love this resource because they also give you up to a certain amount of free searches per day so you can give it a try anytime.
    Austin Armstrong
    SEMRush is our go to
    Sidra Arif
    Dialog AI
    Dialog AI
    Launching soon!
    We use Semrush.
    Nitheesh Seshadri
    I use Narrato SEO brief and keywords generator.