Martina Hackbartt

Which are the books that changed your mindset? Why?


Hey there! Hope you are having a great and productive work week :) A personal question here (and why not a book recommendation thread): Which are the books that changed your mindset / broadened your perspective and why? As for me, I couldn't choose only one (because I believe every book I read gave me a small mindset change). However, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks changed the way I think about race, gender, ethics, and the scientific and medical system. Feel free to share as many books as you'd like and on any topic!

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The Art of The Good Life: Has a lot of good tidbits in there! Some of which made me think 'Oh yeah! I've never seen (insert situation) like that before' Also really enjoyed the Almanac Of Naval Ravikant - As again he has a way of distilling insights into ways I've never thought of before.
Andrii Kpyto
Well, this is Future Shock by futurist Alvin Toffler. Together with "From Third World to First: The Singapore Story" by Lee Kuan Yew it can change your feeling about the future a lot.
Martina Hackbartt
@kpyto Hi Andrew! Thanks a lot for sharing, what are these books about?
Andrii Kpyto
@martina_hackbartt You and I, humanity, people, live in an era predicted back in the 70s of the last century on "Future Shock" book. Future Shock is something that surrounds us every minute, technologies are only bringing closer the moment when the broad masses will have to face the changes that have already taken place in the environment. Our society is undergoing tremendous structural changes - the transition from an industrial society to a super-industrial one. And this change overwhelms people. The accelerating pace of technological and social change leaves people disconnected, suffering from "crushing stress and disorientation" caused by the future shock. The second book is full of examples, how Singapore meets future shock as a country. Pretty easy combo :)
Martina Hackbartt
@kpyto Wow!! Seems so interesting (as well as intimidating). Adding them both to my Goodreads :)
I would also say Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. I'd never loved learning history before I read this book. It explains everything so well so you start to look at the world differently!
Elena Obolonskaia
@daryakhmetova I'm with you! Have you read the 2 books that came after? I was struggling with Homo Deus at some point, but still - it's extremely informative and fascinating. The 21 lesson book I'd literally recommend in schools.
@elena_obolonskaia actually, I have read only another one - Homo Deus. It was more complicated for me, but still I liked it a lot
About life and humanity in general, it would Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. It structures history in such a way that after reading it our reality just makes more sense. Highly recommend! From a business perspective, it would be Rework by Jason Fried, a well-known book amongst entrepreneurs. It showed me that there are many ways how you can start a company, instead of following the traditional, external funding-based approaches.
Martina Hackbartt
@johnnyfekete Completely agree on Sapiens! Such a powerful book I really enjoyed. Thank you very much for sharing :)
Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck :)
Martina Hackbartt
@lior_galante_cohen The title is compelling, haha. What did you learn from it?
@lior_galante_cohen - the title does not make the book justice :D Yes, it is funny as hell, but it is VERY profound!
Fabian Maume
Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant? I made my master thesis on the topic, and I'm still referring to it from time to time.
Ira GI
I am mainly influenced by books on business and psychology.
Ildi Xhaholli
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones (James Clear) This book was recommended many times before I finally got to read it. It does a great job helping you reflect and identify the bad habits you may have in your own life and provides a good framework of how to make change.
Martina Hackbartt
@madebyildi I have this on my Goodreads waiting for me to read it! Seems like I'll have to. Thanks for sharing :)
Sarah Jordi
That's probably gonna sound lame, but for me it's "Lean In" by Sheryl Sandberg. Before reading that book I was completely oblivious in regards to certain female- and male-specific behaviours in the work space and how they're hindering us (me) from moving up or ahead. It really helped me reflect on a few things, recognize patterns and learn how to deal with some of my feelings and (conditioned) behaviours. And overall it just felt good to know that other people, especially women, feel the same way and that there are solutions.
Martina Hackbartt
@sarahxjo Hi Sarah! It doesn't sound lame at all. It's never too late to start noticing (and fighting against) sexism in the workspace (and everywhere). I believe those behaviours are deeply intertwined in us, so it's not by chance that we don't notice them. Thank you very much for sharing your story! :)
Alina Ihnatiuk
Fortunately or unfortunately, not a single book has changed my worldview.
Good Luck: Create the Conditions for Success in Life and Business (original title in Spanish: La Buena Suerte) It shifted my perspective on luck, fate and, more broadly, how our actions shape future opportunities.
Justine Peterson
The Almanak of Naval, This book changed my perspective on how I viewed wealth and making money. Also, I got a lot of insight into how to grow an online audience to date I occasionally go back to it, and every time I read it I get new lessons.
Elena Obolonskaia
My favorites: - Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman - 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari Some points in Start with Why by Simon Sinek made a lot of sense to me, but I couldn't deal with the same thoughts being communicated in different ways. Wouldn't recommend it to impatient readers 😀 I also loved books like Losing my Virginity by Richard Branson and American Kingpin because they are unconventional and yet true stories.
Martina Hackbartt
@elena_obolonskaia Hi Elena! Haven't read 21st lessons for the 21st century but I'm looking forward to it. Thanks a lot for sharing :)
Monika Bakunts
Remark "3 comrades"
Anett Keresztes
Well, I just started Jorden Peterson's 12 rules of Life and I love it. He is one of the people, who can be extremely honest but it just feels right.