Oh, this one was made for me, it was today!
I had a really time consuming and mental health consuming client 😂, what he wanted me to make was way off his goals and what actually works.
He didn’t have a clear buyer persona, he didn’t want to have a clear understanding on how things were going, and worst of all he had an ego.
He said he was a designer but our designs and content strategy were 1. Better looking 2. With purpose, and he didn’t approved anything that he didn’t basically strangled into being his way, which was wayyyyy off his business graphic line.
I was investing a lot of time and effort and getting basically nothing in return, when I realized that, I had to let him go .
Just last week, I said "no" to attending a social event because I needed time to rest and recharge. Taking care of my wellbeing is a priority, and sometimes that means declining invitations to prioritize self-care.
@michelle__s11 Social events are part of how I recharge! 😅 They help me disconnect from work. I’m curious if you find yourself thinking about work during self care time? Or are you able to unplug?
Since 2 weeks ago, I started saying no or pushing meetings to another day based on availability instead of trying to overdo and keep burning out too often
I said no to networking event last week as I felt that my social battery couldn't handle it. Best decision ever 🙂 Instead, I went for a walk on a beach and recharged myself.
I stopped drinking caffeinated beverages about 2 months ago - originally for health-related reasons, but the mental benefits were out of this world. After the first 10 days of withdrawal, I started to feel naturally creative, present, and energetic again. Plus, I'm sleeping as well as I did when I was a teenager 😂 Never going back to the coffee habit!
Is that not the definition of bootstrapping a startup ;)
So many social events, sporting events... you name it... but I don't think I would have been able to say no if I didn't love what we were building... Liffery dot com.
We're launching on here tomorrow, find us on the coming soon and hit that big old "notify me" button :D
Luckily I've gotten pretty good at this, so I say no pretty frequently :)
Last one I can remember was last week, when we were at a meetup, but it was in a loud bar and nobody could really talk to each other without shouting. The vibe just wasn't super great. I said no to the second round of drinks and opted to go home early, get a good night sleep and wake up without a hangover... Win win!
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