Sveta Bay

What lead magnets have you tried to get users? 🧲


For MakerBox (products for Indie Entrepreneurs), we tried a lot of freebies: 1. Check-lists 2. SEO articles with value 3. Demo-versions of products - 30 tools from MakerBox Tools (full list is 600+) - 3 Frameworks from MakerBox Frameworks (full product is 50 frameworks) So far, 3 Frameworks from MakerBox Frameworks had the best performance. We got 100 users in 2 days. The reason is that it was a complex end-product itself. Today we're launching a free marketing week challenge! Excited about the results. Did you try challenges as a lead magnet?

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Kamil Kaderbay
We use 🍩 For example :
Sveta Bay
@kamil_kad great product, upvoted!
Kamil Kaderbay
@basv Thanks a lot
Will Veazey
The headline, What lead magnets have you tried to get users, now has a Google page one listing. In fact, it is among millions of Google search results that you can see. With a simple click on the following link:
Jerry M Gallegos
@abco_specialties Nice job Will, I seen it on Google. That is how how you use Advanced Search to get what you want seen.
Sveta Bay
@abco_specialties @jay_click_one Wow, thanks for the insight!
Will Veazey
@jay_click_one Thank you, your comment regarding utilization of Google (Advanced Search).
Will Veazey
@jay_click_one @basv Thank you for your comments regarding above lead magnets headline, insight.
Will Veazey
@jay_click_one @basv Thank you for your comment
Alex Robinson
Great job on trying out different lead magnets! I've tried a couple of different lead magnets, and I've found that - an eBook on a specific topic - a cheat sheet or checklist - a mini course all work well as lead magnets. I think it really depends on what your target audience is interested in, and what will get them to sign up for your email list.
Sveta Bay
@alex_vidon_ai I heard a lot about cheat sheets, they're popular nowadays!
Mayank Jain
First of all, your marketing challenge week looks super interesting :) In my experience, following work well 1. Free tools 2. Ebooks & Guides that actually solve user problem 3. White papers with data and trends 4. Templates (eg: Notion/Airtable) 5. Webinars
Mayank Jain
@sachin_shajan we have done that a lot of our clients via We are in the process of adding a few to our own domain.
Mayank Jain
@basv absolutely right. That's the most important thing. If you haven't, do read about case study on how they used Free tools to drive massive traffic and leads :)
Sveta Bay
@mjain_mayank thank you! So, the main thing is to have value in these free products :)
Rijul Dutta
We are already doing SEO articles and are in process of trying E-books & Free demo tools. In addition to that, your free marketing week challenge looks interesting. :)
Sveta Bay
@rijul_dutta thank you! So far, it has the biggest number of users in comparison with other freebies!
Edward G
For my previous product which was a subscription service, these are the magnets I've tried and how they've worked: - Newsletter: Poor results. - Free coupon for the pro version (while offering a free version): Poor results - Offering free "tools" for problem statements: Good results. Tools, templates, kits, etc can be more actionable and help people in their process of "solving their problems" which helps build trust and expertise. The building of that trust is important in sales.
Sveta Bay
@edward_g I noticed the same patterns! Users want the instant value from freebie, so small content products have the best performance
Sameer Maira
Learning so much from this thread! Can you please elaborate on what you mean by SEO articles with value?
Sveta Bay
@sameer_maira thank you, Sameer! I mean that a lot of SEO articles are empty. But if you make them useful + add SEO features, that creates amazing results!
Sameer Maira
@basv Good to know! I'm going to try that out.
Tanya Kapoor
Hi @basv I have used Outgrow's interactive content tools for lead generation. They have a wide range of interactive tools like Quizzes, Surveys, Polls, Recommendations, Assessments, and whatnot! You should also try their interactive content tools.
Sveta Bay
@tanya_kapoor Sounds interesting, thanks for the recommendation!
Dan Kulkov
I want to do Ebooks to expand some topics from our blog
Sveta Bay
@kronop Ebooks are super popular today
Edward G
@kronop I have unfortunately had poor results from ebooks
Brenna Donoghue
Just signed up for the challenge. Thanks! In my last role, we found webinars worked really well for our B2B pipeline.
Sveta Bay
@brenna_donoghue Happy to have you aboard, Brenna! Yep, I also heard a lot that webinars work good for B2B and educational products
Anil Meena
How was the outcome of your 2nd point i.e. SEO articles with value, how long did you run this practise for, how many articles did you publish and how much did it help in the overall ranking plus lead generation?
Sveta Bay
@anil_meena21 Frankly speaking, I've just started 2 weeks ago, so don't have results to share yet:( But I read a lot about SEO and that it's a good long-term investment
Anil Meena
@basv reason why I was asking is because I also started it 3 days back... but its vast and confusing... I've no background in marketing. So feels like connecting here with fellow members might give me some light!! 🙏
Niko Dovidija
Firstly, Sveta & Dan congrats on the launch and the product itself, so cool! The challenge idea is phenomenal, but what I find the most amazing is the copy on the main page. Reads like butter, straight to the point, fresh. Bravo!
Sveta Bay
@niko_dovidija Thank you so much, Niko! Appreciate that you noticed it, we always put a lot of efforts in copy!
Niko Dovidija
@basv really shows!
Dan Cleary
Very cool! Did you build the course and web-app stuff natively, or did you leverage a service for this?
Sveta Bay
@dan__cleary thanks, Dan! No services, only solopreneurship (actually couplepreneurship with @kronop 😅)
Adam Andrascik
Just signed up for the marketing week challenge and really interested to see how this goes. Already got more involved into the Product Hunt ecosystem just from the day one challenge!
Sveta Bay
@adam_andrascik Happy to have you on our challenge, Adam!
Bhaswati B
Crowd sourced content always works wonders. Be it ebooks, podcasts, blogs - they are the real deal. Identify influencers in the space you work in and get them talking - adds real value to lead magnets and builds credibility. Hope this helps!
Sveta Bay
@bhaswati_b distribution through influencers sounds interesting! Thanks for the idea 😊
Isabel Nyo
Oh I really like your marketing week challenge! I've done a week long challenge on the topic of career development, but didn't get a lot of traction. I suspect it was because there was no real problem I was trying to solve with the challenge. Let me know how you go with yours.
Sveta Bay
@eisabai your audience must be in LinkedIn Did you try to distribute there?
Molly Chopps
great job
Glad to hear your event is going well. We help pros build personal brand page, and some of our lead magnet experience in the past 1. Brand yourself challenge - Use our tool to design and join the contest 2. 30 minutes personal brand coaching session - Ongoing offer for new users. Good luck!
Daniel Engels
I often offer the good old Use Cases and Whitepapers, in pdf format. This works fairly well.
Juste Semetaite
We have created a fun product walkthrough to show how the product works using our own product... 😵‍💫🌝 It's a skills testing platform, so we created a walkthrough in the form of a test. – It gives people a glimpse into how the product looks like behind the signup – It allows us to showcase key functionality in less than 2 mins – It's all self-service and doesn't require a signup So far, the feedback has been very positive! (You can check it out here: