What keeps you motivated and energized at the start of the week?

A particular playlist, podcast, or a cup of your favorite coffee? For me, its my cup of black coffee :D

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Only my family, forever.
Lakshya Singh
For this week its Product Hunt Launch 🚀
Luka Brzin
What keeps me motivated is knowing what I'm doing is serving a purpose.
Udaya Sri
The fact that the weekend is waiting again at the end of the week makes me want to finish this week quickly. It’s a bit strange, but it really helps me stay motivated!
Cristian Stoian Urzica
The "I will never work in a corporation again" taught 😉
Alex AI
My goals Write down your goals Chase them
Hibba Shahid
setting targets
Maria Anosova 🔥
this week - coffee))
My clients and users would make me getting up.
Rayyan Jawed
Spotify, black coffee and targets!
Bilal Asif
For me it would have to be working towards my main goal - Launching Connect Genie AI on Product Hunt. :D
For me, tell myself that you need to work hard and enjoy relax when i become 40.... only 10 years!!!
Kavya Tripathi
I am generally excited for working again with my team. I guess your team plays an important role. You really are just excited about the work!
Huma Saqib
After a weekend break relax mind and setting targets and my achievements after hard work keeps me motivated and enthusiastic to work with new zeal ...
Aryan Kohli
I like to start with a workout. It wakes me up and makes me feel ready to tackle whatever comes my way.
Good rest during previous weekend :)
Natalie Ermishina
Coffee is always a good idea :) Also jogging in the morning.
Коли справа доходить до мотивації та енергії на початку тижня, важливо оточувати себе інструментами та ресурсами, які спрощують вашу роботу і роблять її більш ефективною. Наприклад https://hydromarket.com.ua/ua/g2..., у будівництві та сільському господарстві використання надійного фронтального навантажувача може значно прискорити робочий процес, підвищити продуктивність і, відповідно, вашу мотивацію. Як у роботі з технікою, так і в житті, наявність правильних інструментів допомагає справлятися з будь-якими завданнями, підтримуючи вашу енергію і мотивацію на високому рівні.
Mike Hook
At the start of the week, I find motivation and energy in setting clear goals and starting fresh, much like putting on a favorite piece of Fuerza Regida Merch can set a positive tone for the day. The excitement of new possibilities and a well-planned schedule keep me focused, similar to how the vibrant and energetic style of Fuerza Regida gear can inspire enthusiasm. A strong morning routine and staying organized are key to maintaining momentum throughout the week. Just as Fuerza Regida’s merch reflects a dynamic and lively spirit, channeling that energy helps propel me through the start of each week.
At the start of the week, I find motivation in having a healthy and delicious meal, like the ones from Pokebowl. It sets a positive tone and energizes me for the days ahead!