Muhammad Ahmed

What criteria do you use to evaluate products on Product Hunt?


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Greffin Dony
Evaluate he product’s ease of use and overall user experience.
Cameron Napoli
I look at the power of the product headline. If I really resonate then I spend time evaluating. Then I look at the landing page. If it looks like it was put together well and I understand how it works, I look at pricing. After that, I usually don't put my card in for a trial unless I'm very convinced that there's potential value.
Blondelle Pai
I usually check if the product solves a real problem and whether it’s unique or just another copycat. It’s important to see if the features are actually useful and not just gimmicks.
Richa Chordia
I check on three factors: 1) If product has a meaningiful offering to people around me. 2) Prouduct's website is conveying the offerings clearly. 3) Testemonials on website, company page etc.