@alessio_mavica haha, I’ve stopped with coffee. I was drinking like 4 cups a day. I love how you right a list of tasks down for the day. I’m going to borrow that method
Find out the easier one and the fast one to complete that. And try to to get a momentum by doing all the easy staff. When I got the momentum on that day, It goes very well and productive. So momentum is important I think.
Hey there! When I start my work every day, the first three things I do are:
1. I grab a cup of coffee to kickstart my day and get those creative juices flowing.
2. I review my to-do list and prioritize my tasks for the day.
3. I take a few minutes to meditate and set my intentions for the day ahead.
every morning has to be a different routine for me throughout the week. Either start off reading a book, analyzing successful marketing strategies and adding stuff to the research pile for the week on monday, networking with people in my niche, listening to a podcast on the topic im researching for the week etc
The one thing that distracts me is looking at my analytics & newsletter subs way too many times throughout the day. So need to try block that out
i hate the idea of doing the same thing every day.
One of the reasons i love my project because i can do some thing new every day.
@cameronscully_ why a different routine every morning though? Consistency doesn’t serve well for you?
Agree i check newsletter subs and analytics way often too, removed it from my morning checklist yesterday!
@cameronscully_ I am trying to find my 3 keystone routine habits that can help me move the lever consistently and get better results instead of getting my mornings drifted with non essential tasks!
Take a few moments for a mindful start to your workday. This can involve activities like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or a quick review of your goals for the day. This brief mindfulness practice can help you center yourself, reduce stress, and enhance your focus as you transition into work mode.
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