Still paying monthly subscriptions to keep your Apple Mac performant?

Lewis Thombs
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Many macOS users are paying for software to help keep their Mac clean and retain performance. I was one of those, and in a year I spent nearly $400 to have the privilege of a clean Mac. Now that I look back, it's a lot of money for such a basic thing. And many of you are in the deadlock I was in. So to solve my issue, I created TidyMac. For a one-time payment of $12.99 (or 10% off with discount code SAVE10 for the product hunt community), you can get access to a range of features to keep your Mac clean and fast. You can do things like: - See which apps are using the most disk space and remove them - Monitor background processes using a lot of resources - Empty trash bins - Clear cache - Clear locally saved mail attachments and a lot more. We are launching tomorrow, and you can get notified when we have launched and support us by upvoting on this link: Thank you.
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