OneSubmitAI, built from my pain point, tired of wasting so many time to submit my product to different directory websites. So I made it, submit once, get featured on all Top directory websites. All by AI!
I have not defined the product name jet, but in one sentence it is: Craft an investor-ready financial model for your startup in under 30 minutes for 50$.
Qr diffusion
Transform ordinary QR codes into stunning artwork with our AI-powered platform.
Our app goes beyond the pixelated grids of traditional QR codes. Instead, we use Stable Diffusion, a powerful generative AI model that creates intricate images resembling artwork. Our ControlNet model ensures that the final QR code will keep all the necessary details that are important to your desired prompt. invest smarter, not harder using data driven investment strategies with genuine track records of outperforming the S&P 500
The Feed - I study entrepreneurs who have built 7-8 figure businesses and 100k+ social media audiences.
I send you the TLDR on one of them in a 3-5 minute email each week.
We're live on product hunt today!
Graphite is how the fastest developers ship code.
Also Graphite launched on Product Hunt and are close to product of the week if you want to check us out!
mDash automatically generates accurate quotes, timelines, developer assignments, status updates, and more, taking you from project request to kickoff in under a minute.
We are making the world's first multifunctional pet bed with 14 travel features. It's patent-pending and already generating buzz with the New York Times, Rover, Gear Junkie, and Field & Stream. We have also won Best Travel Dog Bed of 2023 by Field & Stream, which has been tremendous for us.
Check us out on and if any of you want a discount hookup on the product, let me know! My contact deets are on my profile page.
Job Answer Generator
Specific questions like "Why do you want to work for us?" are common in job applications. Simply feed in the job description to our Answer generator, and our AI will generate a concise, catchy, and short response for those little text blocks in applications!
Fit Workout Routine
Surmount AI
The Feed
Tamly: Automate B2B Sales Outreach
Multi Find: Search, Highlight, Explore
Revolution Studios
RuffRest® Ultimate Dog Bed
Job Application Answer Generator