Hi! When I cannot concentrate on a task, I turn on the timer for five minutes and do nothing for these five minutes (I just sit with my eyes closed). It helps me reboot and get to work.
Reducing screentime and pomodoro technique works the best for me. Also when I write I use CrawlQ.ai for automating content. It helps me write more. CrawlQ will be launching the next week on product hunt
I live by one simple rule to improve my productivity everyday.
Wake up early, Meditate, And plan your day. This simple technique has helped me optimize my daily routines over the past 2 years and grow my productivity!
I meditate for 10 minutes in the morning before starting anything. It warms up the "focus" muscles of the mind helping me concentrate on whats important throughout the day.
Lots of good tips in this thread! I try to start my day with the task I'm most excited about. I know a lot of people say "eat the frog" and do the hardest thing, but if that's not what I'm excited about, I dread it and find it hard to get started. So if I start with something I'm looking forward to, it gives me momentum to get through harder stuff throughout the day!
There are so many great tips here!
Here is something that worked for me-
I refrain from using my phone 1 hour before bed and 1 hour after I wake up. It gives me a lot of time to focus on the more important things like planning my day, maybe unwinding a little bit, meditating, or just letting my eyes relax! It is way better than scrolling a glowing glass screen the first and last thing you do in a day :)
Getting your body moving in the morning even if its 15/30 minutes, I enjoy going for a walk or doing yoga and stretching. Always feel much better afterwards and full of energy
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