Sam Altman playing catchup with Google alpha fold?
Aakash Puri
6 replies
Is Sam Altman playing catchup with his latest ChatGPT-4b for medical stem cell research?
Check out this tool btw :p
Jasmine Butters@jasmine_butters
Feels like Altman is craving his own path rather than chasing Google.
Stem cell research and AlphaFold solve different problems both are crucial.
If ChatGPT-4b drives stem cell breakthroughs, it's a win for everyone.
AlphaFold set the bar high, but stem cell research is a whole different ballgame.
Seems like Anthropic is playing catch up here. But hey, if ChatGPT-4b ends up driving major biotech advances, then it's a win-win for humanity regardless of who's behind it. The more AI-driven innovation in critical fields like medicine, the better for all of us in the end!
It's exciting to see Altman taking AI into medical research.