SaaS Growth Hack 2: Slack - Team Viral Onboarding 🚀
Pathange Balaji Rao
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💡 The Insight: Slack didn’t just onboard users; it onboarded entire teams.
🎯 The Hack: During sign-up, users were nudged to invite teammates.
✨ The Magic: Each invite created a viral loop—one user brought ten others.
📈 The Result: $0 CAC and exponential team adoption.
🤝 Why It Worked: People don’t use Slack alone; the value multiplies with collaboration.
📚 The Lesson: Teams bring the "aha!" moment faster than individuals.
🛠️ What You Can Do: Add an "Invite teammates" step during onboarding.
⚡ Make It Frictionless: Pre-fill emails or suggest quick copy-paste links.
🏆 Boost Adoption: Emphasize teamwork benefits—better collaboration, less email.
🎬 Your Takeaway: Turn your users into champions who bring the whole squad.
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