- Lifetimo: https://lifetimo.com - Curates new tools that offer lifetime plans for users.
- AppSumo Marketplace: https://appsumo.com - A platform where founders can self-list their products and connect with early adopters to boost their growth.
- Futureen: https://futureen.com - Discover the future trends and innovations in technology and entrepreneurship on this platform.
- Uneed: https://uneed.best - A website dedicated to helping users find what they need most efficiently and effectively.
- GetByte: https://www.getbyte.tech - An online platform that provides tech enthusiasts with the latest insights and resources in the digital world.
- 10Words: https://10words.io - Discover new products and services succinctly described in just 10 words for quick insights.
- First100Users: https://www.first100users.com - A resource hub for startups aiming to acquire their first 100 users and kickstart their growth.
- Insanely Cool Tools: https://insanelycooltools.com - Explore a collection of innovative and cutting-edge tools to enhance productivity and creativity.
- MakerPeak: https://makerpeak.com - A platform empowering makers and creators to reach new heights with their projects and ideas.
I recently started to use Reddit, specifically r/Entrepreneur and r/startups. I found engaging in relevant Facebook groups and LinkedIn communities can also be effective.
Ever thought about diving into Reddit threads or Twitter communities to uncover those early adopters outside of Product Hunt? It's like embarking on a treasure hunt for tech enthusiasts in the vast sea of social media!
Posted this already in a similar discussion recently but here goes -
"We were wondering the same thing for our upcoming launch and wanted to soft launch before PH to have feedback and fine-tune things.
This list is really well made -https://tinyurl.com/launchlists
Not all of them are launch communities, but there are some good ones. There are also some other avenues to get visibility and early users.
Hope it helps! :)"
Ariglad YC W23
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