It may seem obvious here on PH to choose business, but if I could give advice to myself 5 years ago, I wouldn't rush to leave my job 😅 A day job means money, and money gives the freedom to test anything you want until it works.
I think the population here either is or aspires toward entrepreneurship. But honestly know plenty of people who don't have the risk tolerance for that, but are still high performers and content with employment. Generally find those people thrive in settings where the rules of the game are more set.
I’d go with owning my own business. It offers the opportunity to pursue my passion and build something from scratch, even if it means taking on more responsibility.
Owning a business sounds great, but without automation skills, it can be tough. People often choose entrepreneurship for freedom, not just money. But if a job offers that same freedom, the new generation is leaning towards employment instead.
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