Mark Lemuel M

Is cold emailing still a effective Marketing Strategy?


You're a seasoned marketer with a knack for exploring innovative strategies to boost business growth. With years of experience under your belt, you've witnessed the evolution of marketing tactics and understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve. You're curious, analytical, and always eager to challenge conventional wisdom to drive results. By your experience, is cold emailing still effective?

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Hossein Yazdi
I had done it a lot in the past and tried almost every method, it was just time-wasting when reaching out to bloggers, the only cold DM I've found useful was DMing potential users, most of them were responsive!
Mark Lemuel M
@hosseinyazdi yup , if cold emailing was personalized, then it will work! you just need to automate them using AI! upvote me and I will upvote you!
@hosseinyazdi @kilopolki Mark are you working on an AI cold email tool? That's super interesting and I'm 100% checking it out. Would appreciate if you would be able to provide your feedback for Smartrazor - launched today!
@hosseinyazdi have seen you provide a lot of feedback that's genuinely very thoughtful on PH! I've had a similar experience with cold email, where I only got about 5% response rate & unfortunately only 1 signup out of 1300 users emailed. I think I just am not skilled enough at email copy, but similar to you I had much better success with cold DM! Would greatly appreciate any constructive criticism on Smartrazor, as I do value your input 🙏
Hossein Yazdi
@yukioyama Hey Yuki, I didn't know today was your launch day, congrats buddy! Upvoted Smartrazor, it looks super useful! 👏
@hosseinyazdi thank you man! please also let me know any criticisms/improvements you might suggest! Here for feedback as well :)
Absolutely, cold emailing can still be an effective marketing strategy when executed with personalization and relevance to the recipient's needs. It's all about crafting your message to resonate with your audience, rather than sending generic blasts.
Mark Lemuel M
@zijian for me it is more effective if it is personalized ! there's nothing more effective than asking consumers the painpoint of their problem and providing solution for that! upvote me and I will upvote you!
Tolulade Ademisoye
Yes it is, cold mailing works
Mark Lemuel M
@ato1 can you tell us some pointers on how personal cold emailing works and potentially give us some juice on how you generate some leads? (AI/manual) it will be a great help among us starters to generate some leads on our niche! upvote me and I will upvote you!
Tolulade Ademisoye
@kilopolki generating leads for me comes from my newsletter, I had previously built this list when I ran a couple of tech & data training a few years back. In other instances, I used email hunters to fetch emails from Linkedin or Linkedin Premium.
Mark Lemuel M
@ato1 Nice Idea! I should implrement newsletter on my website too! Godbless and I hope you have the best success in life!
D-Devil NightRaid
Syed Muhmmad Fahad Zaidi
Yes, when personalized and strategically executed, cold emailing can still be an effective marketing strategy.
Mark Lemuel M
@fahadzaidi_5 I hope it works for me! I am scraping at google now. I plan to use personalized ai automation for this! followed you!
Haha is this a chatGPT prompt? Jokes aside cold email works great, especially for B2B the unit economics just work out since you're able to get a big ROI if you have a decent open rate, book rate, close rate
Mark Lemuel M
@yukioyama yes as per description it is! I generated that to compress my time on my routine! I knew you use gpt all the time! you can also identify the generated ones! however each reply here was personalized so we can create a good community towards PH! can you share some good apps that are giving you gather/automate personalized emails to your niche to generate some leads? any good one will help! upvote me and I will upvote you!