I think $1K MRR is a critical milestone, do you?
Colin Mathews
2 replies
Your first dollar is the most important moment in your startup’s journey.
Assuming it’s not your Mom (👋😘), it means someone bought into the promise of your product enough to lay down money for it. That’s further than most products get.
You now have permission to dive deeper.
The next most important milestone is $10k MRR. Assuming you have expenses in check, this is ramen-profitable for most people and it unlocks huge potential because now time is your side.
The constant daily urgency can be traded out for more controlled, longer-term thinking. This is where momentum-building really gets going and you can start methodically finding levers of growth to invest in.
#3 on the list is $1,000 in MRR.
I’m so excited that I crossed that marker last week with Dropboard! 🥳
It means that the first hundred bucks weren’t a fluke. It’s hard to reach $1k accidentally. 😜 You probably have a relatively consistent stream of customers now and a product that’s making a valuable promise and also living up to it.
At $1K you’re starting to get an idea of how your churn numbers are doing (how long customers stick with you). You’re hopefully getting customers emailing you with ideas, suggestions, or issues that may iron out the next customer’s initial experience.
And every improvement that comes from customer feedback means a lot at this stage. Compare feedback at this point with feedback before anyone’s paid you. Back then every comment or bit of feedback was ultimately just a stab in the dark. Definitely valuable, but certainly not bankable. Now, as long as it contributes to a long-term vision, feedback is gold.
I’ve been posting weekly videos 🎥 of my build-in-public journey for 58-straight weeks and this Friday I’m finally launching Dropboard 🚀.
Per usual for a PH launch, I’m scared and excited. Wish me luck!!
Incredible! That's no easy feat, best of luck on the PH launch.
And btw the link to your YT channel on your PH profile doesn't work 😅
@eden_ghirmai 😬🤦♂️ thank you!