I'm Ankur, Co-founder of RiteBot. Ask me anything(AMA)!

Ankur Singh
18 replies
We are going live with Ritebot https://www.producthunt.com/products/ritebot today. RiteBot: ChatGPT powered Paraphraser, grammar checker, summariser and translator Let's chat about all things community, AI, ChatGPT, product development, growth and beyond. I am here to answer any and all of your questions. So fire away!


Sandra Djajic
Hunted Space
Hunted Space
Launching soon!
Congrats on the launch :) My question is, how do you choose the dates for launch?
Ankur Singh
@sandradjajic It depends on our readiness with the launch features and competition on that day or date.
In launching your recent app, did you prioritize community building and feedback? If so where did you go to find community that would provide thoughtful/curious feedback?
Kevin Lu
Congrats, Ankur!!!!
Kemal Karatas
is privacy with security integration an issue to develop useful tools like that? Should we trust ChatGPT about it?
Ankur Singh
@kemal_karatas That is a good question, they have mentioned with the new API terms that would not training their model based the response but more clarity is needed on the issue.
Nothing to ask, All the Best !
Hi, Ankur. Congratulations on the launch! What are some short-term results I can expect to see from my website by using Rite Bite?
Ankur Singh
@mycelebs_elle You can use the power of LLM like GPT to improve your writting ability and reduce the time and effort to optimise the content for humans and seo. We are still working on optimising the real power of LLM in optimising the content.
Anahit Amirakyan
Hi, Ankur. Do you invest in Marketing and if yes what works best for you?