Does it depend on special occurrence? Do you have a routine? I noticed not everyone check their personal investments information at the same frequencyโฑ
@benoit_chambon Sorry, I thought you are asking reason for not to open..Yea I open it to check some big transaction or like in year end to file taxes etc
@rashjbp I don't think so, it depends on people interest about their balance tracking :) I also know persons around me that check their portfolio or bank account quarterly ^^ Anyway, I do agree, it can take time, even more if you can have a quick and easy look on your account... Is it an issue you face?
Once or twice a day, just to see how it is going. And once a week I do a deeper check and maybe open/close positions. Probably depends on what kind of trading/investing you are into.
@benoit_chambon Yes, historical transactions, performance so far (yearly rate of return), performance of each position (and whether its calculated yearly rate of return has achieved my target) and some research in order to decide whether to close some positions and/or open others.
@josue_0 Very interesting! As crypto exchanges are not regulated like traditional ones, they are not bound by open/close market time; as a result, we may assume that a "normal" crypto holder should be more active on its assets tracking than for its stocks portfolio. But it seems to be the exact opposite: you're not the first person telling me that is more active on stock markets watching ;)
@fabian_maume Oh, very interesting. But what do you plan your order on?
About your bank account checking frequency: why 15th and 30th? If I may ask... ;)
15th & 30th of the month. is when I issue my clients invoice and check if the last were paid. I'm also deciding if I want to move more cash to saving. It isn't hard to know how much is left on your bank account for 2 weeks.
For deciding when to make order:
- When I move cash to saving on 15th & 30th I need to choose which position to open
- I have alert for the spot price of the different assets I'm interested in.
- When I discover some interesting asset I making fundamental analysis and then decide to take position or not.
@fabian_maume Wow thank you for this accurate answer! You seem very methodical! If I may, how do you receive price alert? Phone/desktop? Push/email? :)
@cedric_misner haha no don't worry about that! It's not about frequency only, it's all about the reasons of the frequency, so I'm a bit curious why you check it "couple of times a day" :)
Apparently humans are more likely to act irrational and make a trade if you check often. When investing it is typically better to hold long term. Checking too often could actually cause you to loose out on riches. I check everyday that being said hahah :(.
@jack_davis7 Hahaha, you check everyday but do you consider yourself as an irrational investor then? ;) (I see what you mean btw, but my point is that I think irrational will remain irrational, no matter if they "hodl" or trade everyday, but I can be wrong haha!)
@benoit_chambon - so I'll walk that back some - my previous statement stands for 95% of my overall financial portfolio. Whereas for the 5% I've got allocated to play with in Robinhood, I check multiple times a day out of curiousity (maybe boredom) - looking for stuff to buy. ๐๐
@nika_vinichenko thanks for your reply! If I may, does your notification come from your bank app or from another (like a banking accounts aggregator for instance)? :)
Ohhhh boy... Recently, it's been BAD. I think partially though cause I've been in more crypto since covid and the exchanges works much 24/7 vs 5 days /week.
For stock investments & crypto : by the hour (really) at the beginning, then every day and now moving slowly towards a longer term/more mature approach -> i.e. probably still checking it informally every 2-3 days but not with the same excitement :)
Too many times haha! When the market is up, I get over excited and I check it several times in a day. I think it is also due to the volatility of crypto and the constant up and downs.
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